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Q: How many hours did Apollo 11 stayed on the moon for?
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Did Apollo 11 stayed on the moon for a week?

No Apollo 11 stayed on the moon for a little over 24 hours in all.

How long did Apollo 11 stay on the moon?

Apollo 11 stayed on the moon for about 21.5 hours. The astronauts spent approximately 2.5 hours outside the spacecraft conducting experiments and collecting samples.

How many days did Apollo stay on the moon?

Apollo stayed on the moon for one probably really fun day

How many astronauts stepped on the moon and for how many days?

12 People stepped walked on the moon and a total of 24 orbited the moon from Apollo 8 to 17. It depended what mission it was. There where 3 different classes of missions. Apollo 11 stayed on the moon for about 18 hours and it increased with each mission with Apollo 17 staying on the moon for 3 days

How long did Neil armsrong stay on the moon?

Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin stayed on the moon for about six hours.

How many days did Buzz Aldrin stay on the moon?

Buzz Aldrin spent a total of 21 hours and 36 minutes on the moon during the Apollo 11 mission in 1969. This included a moonwalk of about 2 hours and 15 minutes.

How long did Apollo 12 stay on the moon?

Apollo 12 was on the moon for about 31.5 hours, with astronauts Charles Conrad and Alan Bean conducting two moonwalks totaling 7 hours and 45 minutes. They landed on the moon on November 19, 1969, and lifted off to return to Earth on November 20.

Which Apollo mission stayed the longest on the moon?

Apollo 17 stayed on the moon the longest, with astronauts Gene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt spending about 75 hours on the lunar surface in December 1972. This mission also holds the record for the longest total lunar surface extravehicular activities (EVAs) time, with over 22 hours spent outside the lunar module.

How long was the Apollo eleven on the moon with the crew?

The Apollo 11 mission spent a total of about 21 hours on the Moon's surface, with astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin conducting their moonwalks during this time. They returned to the command module, where Michael Collins was waiting in orbit around the Moon, before heading back to Earth.

How long was Apollo 11 crew on the moon for?

The Apollo 11 crew spent approximately 21.5 hours on the moon's surface. They performed various tasks, such as collecting rock samples, setting up equipment, conducting experiments, and taking photographs, before returning to the lunar module.

Who has stayed on the moon for 1 year?

No one. The longest time humans spent on the moon was Apollo 17 who stayed for three days.

How many days they stayed on the moon?

Apollo 11 spent almost 1 full day on the moon. Apollo 12 & 14 each spent 2 full days on the moon. Apollo 15, 16, & 17 each spent 3 full days on the moon.