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Q: How many houses are there in the US?
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How many houses does the US legislature have?

50,00,000,000,000 houses

How many houses are in the US?

About 90000000

How many houses did the US Constitution did it make?


How many houses are there in the US in 2009?

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How many houses have dishwashers in the world?

about 25% of houses in the world. mostly developed countries have dishwashers, such as Canada and the US.

What makes up the US?

The us congress is bicameral, which means it is made up of two houses. The two houses are the Senate and the House of Representatives. Within those two houses and even between the two houses, there are many different committees that serve different purposes.

How many houses are there in Congress?

The US House is composed of 435 voting Representatives.

How many houses are in a state legislature?

It depends on the specific state's constitution. Many states have two houses in the legislature as in the US Congress (a state senate and a state house of representatives).

Do you have houses in heaven?

None of us know until we get there. There are many theories about heaven and what it is like.

How many houses in the us use nuclear energy per year?

Most all houses use some. Nuclear is about 19 percent of total supply.

How many slaughter houses are in the US?

5,700, acording to Wikipedia.

How many light houses in US?

There are approximately 1,000 lighthouses or sealight in the United States of America