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About 11 inches or so for the 13-striped variety if memory serves me right.

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Q: How many inches tall is the chipmunk when standing on hind legs?
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How tall is a dingo on its hind legs?

Dingoes reach 61 inches on their hind legs

How tall are gerbils?

Gerbil adults, standing on their hind legs, average at about 4-5 inches tall. A gerbil on all fours would only be a couple inches tall.

What animals stand on their hind legs?

An animal standing on it's hind legs may seem hard to us but its just like standing on one foot. Some animals stand on there hind legs. This probably won't help but pandas do stand on their hind feet sometimes Animals which stand on their hind legs include all members of the kangaroo family - over 65 species. Native hopping mice also stand on their hind legs.

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Do Gerbil have tails?

Gerbils had tails to aid in there balance when it comes to walking, climbing, and standing on their hind legs.

When was Hind Hind Legs created?

Hind Hind Legs was created on 2006-04-18.

How high is a gerbil?

If they are on all fours then about, 8cm. If they are standing up straight on their hind legs then, I'd say about 13cm

Do toads have shorter hind legs than frogs?

yes toads 2 mabye 3 inches long and frogs legs 3 mabye 4 inches long