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Between 60,000 - 96,000 based on a Roman army usually having between 5000 - 8000 soldiers per legion.

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In biblical terms, a legion typically referred to a unit of Roman soldiers consisting of about 6,000 men. Therefore, twelve legions of angels would roughly be around 72,000 angels.

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How many legions were in an army?

There was no set number of legions in a Roman army. The number of legions in an army was the number of legions given to the general. Some campaigns only needed one legion while others required several. They were both armies.

How many legions of angels are in hell?

many 0.0

Where in Bible does Jesus say he can command legions of angels?

The night He was arrested, when His disciples tried to protect Him with physical force, Jesus said, "Put your sword in its place, for all who take the sword will perish by the sword. Or do you think that I cannot now pray to My Father, and He will provide Me with more than twelve legions of angels?"(Matthew 26:52, 53 NKJV)While it is true Jesus made the statement in Matthew 26:53 that twelve legions of angels could be made available to Him, let's not overlook what He said before this ... "think that I cannot pray to My Father, and HE will provide". It seems that the command would have come from God the Father, not God the Son (Jesus).Psalm 8:4, 5 & Hebrews 2:6, 7, says that man is created a little lower than the angels. Hebrews 2:9 makes it clear that Jesus was sent to the earth and held a position lower than angels (He became man). Jesus as God incarnate would have to obey the laws that governed men. Though He was God in the flesh, He could not operate as God. So ... nowhere in the Bible does it say that Jesus can command legions of angels.

Who defeated Lucifer and his legion of bad angels?

the allmighty, ever loving GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is twelve angels significant in paranormal?

In the book of Revelation, the last book of the New Testament, the bible speaks of 12 angels guarding the 12 gates of the Kingdom of God.Revelation 21:12 (new living translation)"The city wall was broad and high, with twelve gates guarded by twelve angels. And the names of the twelve tribes of Israel were written on the gates."If you're finding something referring to "twelve angels" in a paranormal sense, then it may indeed have some sort of deeper meaning. Here is where I found my information, if you'd like to do a bit more research yourself:

Are there 29 roman legions?

There were many more than 29 Roman legions. The exact number is not known as some were formed for a specific purpose and then disbanded or absorbed into other legions. After Actium, Octavian was stuck with having to pay at least 45 legions as Antony's legions defected to him, plus the legions stationed on the European borders. In his book, "Legions of Rome", Stephen Dando-Collins traces the history of 44 known Roman legions.There were many more than 29 Roman legions. The exact number is not known as some were formed for a specific purpose and then disbanded or absorbed into other legions. After Actium, Octavian was stuck with having to pay at least 45 legions as Antony's legions defected to him, plus the legions stationed on the European borders. In his book, "Legions of Rome", Stephen Dando-Collins traces the history of 44 known Roman legions.There were many more than 29 Roman legions. The exact number is not known as some were formed for a specific purpose and then disbanded or absorbed into other legions. After Actium, Octavian was stuck with having to pay at least 45 legions as Antony's legions defected to him, plus the legions stationed on the European borders. In his book, "Legions of Rome", Stephen Dando-Collins traces the history of 44 known Roman legions.There were many more than 29 Roman legions. The exact number is not known as some were formed for a specific purpose and then disbanded or absorbed into other legions. After Actium, Octavian was stuck with having to pay at least 45 legions as Antony's legions defected to him, plus the legions stationed on the European borders. In his book, "Legions of Rome", Stephen Dando-Collins traces the history of 44 known Roman legions.There were many more than 29 Roman legions. The exact number is not known as some were formed for a specific purpose and then disbanded or absorbed into other legions. After Actium, Octavian was stuck with having to pay at least 45 legions as Antony's legions defected to him, plus the legions stationed on the European borders. In his book, "Legions of Rome", Stephen Dando-Collins traces the history of 44 known Roman legions.There were many more than 29 Roman legions. The exact number is not known as some were formed for a specific purpose and then disbanded or absorbed into other legions. After Actium, Octavian was stuck with having to pay at least 45 legions as Antony's legions defected to him, plus the legions stationed on the European borders. In his book, "Legions of Rome", Stephen Dando-Collins traces the history of 44 known Roman legions.There were many more than 29 Roman legions. The exact number is not known as some were formed for a specific purpose and then disbanded or absorbed into other legions. After Actium, Octavian was stuck with having to pay at least 45 legions as Antony's legions defected to him, plus the legions stationed on the European borders. In his book, "Legions of Rome", Stephen Dando-Collins traces the history of 44 known Roman legions.There were many more than 29 Roman legions. The exact number is not known as some were formed for a specific purpose and then disbanded or absorbed into other legions. After Actium, Octavian was stuck with having to pay at least 45 legions as Antony's legions defected to him, plus the legions stationed on the European borders. In his book, "Legions of Rome", Stephen Dando-Collins traces the history of 44 known Roman legions.There were many more than 29 Roman legions. The exact number is not known as some were formed for a specific purpose and then disbanded or absorbed into other legions. After Actium, Octavian was stuck with having to pay at least 45 legions as Antony's legions defected to him, plus the legions stationed on the European borders. In his book, "Legions of Rome", Stephen Dando-Collins traces the history of 44 known Roman legions.

How many legions did Caesar have?

When Caesar ignored the senate's order to disband his army and crossed the river Rubicon to march on Rome, he had one legion, the Legio XIII Gemina. His soldiers werebattlehardened veterans for his wars inGaul He then gathered more of his veterans. When he went to Hispania to fight the forces of the opposition there with 6 legions, 3,000 cavalry and his personal bodyguard of 900 cavalrymen. He took three legions to fight Pompey inGreece. When he went to fight opposition armies in Tunisia he had 10 legions. At the final battle of this civil war at Munda in Spain he had 8 legions. In each of thebattlesof this war,Caesar'stroops were outnumbered.

What does the song she talks to angels by the black crowes mean?

addict in a twelve step program.

How manu legions rome had?

The number of legions and their strengths differed at different times, so the following is the data on the legions under Augustus. After defeating Marc Antony, Octavian/Augustus had about 60 legions as he not only had his own legions and the ones stationed on the far European borders, but he also took over Antony's legions. Needless to say many were disbanded or combined with other legions. Augustus pared down the military until he had 28 legions of 150,000 men. These legionaries were aided by about 180,000 auxiliary infantry and cavalry.The number of legions and their strengths differed at different times, so the following is the data on the legions under Augustus. After defeating Marc Antony, Octavian/Augustus had about 60 legions as he not only had his own legions and the ones stationed on the far European borders, but he also took over Antony's legions. Needless to say many were disbanded or combined with other legions. Augustus pared down the military until he had 28 legions of 150,000 men. These legionaries were aided by about 180,000 auxiliary infantry and cavalry.The number of legions and their strengths differed at different times, so the following is the data on the legions under Augustus. After defeating Marc Antony, Octavian/Augustus had about 60 legions as he not only had his own legions and the ones stationed on the far European borders, but he also took over Antony's legions. Needless to say many were disbanded or combined with other legions. Augustus pared down the military until he had 28 legions of 150,000 men. These legionaries were aided by about 180,000 auxiliary infantry and cavalry.The number of legions and their strengths differed at different times, so the following is the data on the legions under Augustus. After defeating Marc Antony, Octavian/Augustus had about 60 legions as he not only had his own legions and the ones stationed on the far European borders, but he also took over Antony's legions. Needless to say many were disbanded or combined with other legions. Augustus pared down the military until he had 28 legions of 150,000 men. These legionaries were aided by about 180,000 auxiliary infantry and cavalry.The number of legions and their strengths differed at different times, so the following is the data on the legions under Augustus. After defeating Marc Antony, Octavian/Augustus had about 60 legions as he not only had his own legions and the ones stationed on the far European borders, but he also took over Antony's legions. Needless to say many were disbanded or combined with other legions. Augustus pared down the military until he had 28 legions of 150,000 men. These legionaries were aided by about 180,000 auxiliary infantry and cavalry.The number of legions and their strengths differed at different times, so the following is the data on the legions under Augustus. After defeating Marc Antony, Octavian/Augustus had about 60 legions as he not only had his own legions and the ones stationed on the far European borders, but he also took over Antony's legions. Needless to say many were disbanded or combined with other legions. Augustus pared down the military until he had 28 legions of 150,000 men. These legionaries were aided by about 180,000 auxiliary infantry and cavalry.The number of legions and their strengths differed at different times, so the following is the data on the legions under Augustus. After defeating Marc Antony, Octavian/Augustus had about 60 legions as he not only had his own legions and the ones stationed on the far European borders, but he also took over Antony's legions. Needless to say many were disbanded or combined with other legions. Augustus pared down the military until he had 28 legions of 150,000 men. These legionaries were aided by about 180,000 auxiliary infantry and cavalry.The number of legions and their strengths differed at different times, so the following is the data on the legions under Augustus. After defeating Marc Antony, Octavian/Augustus had about 60 legions as he not only had his own legions and the ones stationed on the far European borders, but he also took over Antony's legions. Needless to say many were disbanded or combined with other legions. Augustus pared down the military until he had 28 legions of 150,000 men. These legionaries were aided by about 180,000 auxiliary infantry and cavalry.The number of legions and their strengths differed at different times, so the following is the data on the legions under Augustus. After defeating Marc Antony, Octavian/Augustus had about 60 legions as he not only had his own legions and the ones stationed on the far European borders, but he also took over Antony's legions. Needless to say many were disbanded or combined with other legions. Augustus pared down the military until he had 28 legions of 150,000 men. These legionaries were aided by about 180,000 auxiliary infantry and cavalry.

What do the five gold rings represent in the twelve days of Christmas?

the rings for the 5 angels of chritmas

How many people can an angel kill?

well,if you must know,1 angel can kill 185,000 people .so,if you had 12 legions of angels(and legion has anywhere from 3,000 to6,000 angels)like peter did,you could wipe out the whole world on a request(36,000 angels in all)

Where can one find a list of Roman legions?

One can find a list of Roman legions from a variety of places. Wikipedia, UNRV History, Livius, The Org, and many other websites provide a list of Roman legions.