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A 60 watt lamp will poduce 60 watts during the time it is operating. If it runs for an hour, it produces 60 watt-hours of heat energy. If it runs for 16 2/3 hours, it produces 1000 watts during that period, or it can be said to use a kilowatt of energy in that 16 2/3 hours, or that it produced a kilowatt-hour of heat in that 16 2/3 hours. Heat can be expressed in watts, but we can't really convert watts into "heat in Celsius" as was asked. The heat energy generated by the lamp will heat air or the area directly around it, but by how much? This becomes a difficult problem. And we don't measure the heat produced by a lamp in degrees Celsius, but in watts or a similar measure of energy. While it is true that temperature is a measure of thermal energy, it can't be fairly applied here. A lamp produces watts of heat energy, but not "degrees" of heat energy. The investigator would have to specify a goodly number of things to determine the change of temperature (in degrees Celsius) resulting from the operation of a 60 watt lamp. It becomes a problem in thermodynamics.

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2mo ago

A 60-watt incandescent light bulb can reach temperatures of around 230-270 degrees Celsius (446-518 degrees Fahrenheit) during operation. The bulb emits light by heating a small tungsten filament inside the bulb to this high temperature.

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14y ago

1 watt= 1 joules/1 sec

60 w = 60joules/minute

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Q: How hot does a 60 watt energy bulb get?
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What uses more energy a 60 watt light bulb or 18 watt light bulb?

This depends on how long it is being used. The 60 Watt bulb consumes 2.6667 times the power of an 18 Watt bulb, but energy equals power times time. There is also an amount of 'hidden' energy: the energy to manufacture and transport the bulb. This depends on how long it is being used. The 60 Watt bulb consumes 2.6667 times the power of an 18 Watt bulb, but energy equals power times time. There is also an amount of 'hidden' energy: the energy to manufacture and transport the bulb.

What is the different between a 100 watt bulb and a 60 watt bulb?

40 watts of consumed power. The light output may be greater with one compared to the other, but wattage alone does not give us that information. Electric heaters, for example, consume 1500 watts of power and produce almost no visible light.Check the Lumen's. That is where the difference is.Current draw and light output.A 60 watt bulb uses 60 watts of electricity (i.e. it converts 60 joules of energy per second), a 100 watt bulb converts 100 joules per second. Electrical power is measured in watts. Since a 60 watt bulb pulls less energy to it than a 100 watt bulb the 60 watt bulb will not be as bright.Resistance.Just in the amount of power used and the brightness of the bulb. The 60 watt bulb might be a bit smaller.

How can a 60 watt bulb use the same power as a 60 watt bulb can in a second?

A 60 watt bulb uses 60 watts of power continuously per second. It is consistent with the definition of power, which is the rate at which energy is consumed or produced. Therefore, a 60 watt bulb would use the same amount of power as another 60 watt bulb within the same timeframe of a second.

Would you use less electrical energy burning a 60 watt light bulb for 900 seconds or a 100 watt light bulb for 500 seconds?

It would use less electrical energy to burn the 60 watt light bulb for 900 seconds. This is because the total energy consumed is calculated by multiplying the power (in watts) by the time (in seconds), so for the 60 watt bulb: 60 watts * 900 seconds = 54,000 watt-seconds, and for the 100 watt bulb: 100 watts * 500 seconds = 50,000 watt-seconds.

Compare and contrast a 60 watt and 100 watt light bulb?

A 100 watt light bulb is brighter and consumes more energy compared to a 60 watt light bulb. The 100 watt bulb will produce more light output but also generate more heat, while the 60 watt bulb will be dimmer and more energy-efficient.

Related questions

What uses more energy a 60 watt light bulb or 18 watt light bulb?

This depends on how long it is being used. The 60 Watt bulb consumes 2.6667 times the power of an 18 Watt bulb, but energy equals power times time. There is also an amount of 'hidden' energy: the energy to manufacture and transport the bulb. This depends on how long it is being used. The 60 Watt bulb consumes 2.6667 times the power of an 18 Watt bulb, but energy equals power times time. There is also an amount of 'hidden' energy: the energy to manufacture and transport the bulb.

What is heat output of one 60 watt light bulb?

A 60 watt light bulb produces 60 watts of heat energy as a byproduct of generating light.

How long does it take a 60 -watt light bulb to consume 60 -watt hours of energy?

60 watt-hrs= 60 watt*1 hr so it will take 1 hour.

What is the different between a 100 watt bulb and a 60 watt bulb?

40 watts of consumed power. The light output may be greater with one compared to the other, but wattage alone does not give us that information. Electric heaters, for example, consume 1500 watts of power and produce almost no visible light.Check the Lumen's. That is where the difference is.Current draw and light output.A 60 watt bulb uses 60 watts of electricity (i.e. it converts 60 joules of energy per second), a 100 watt bulb converts 100 joules per second. Electrical power is measured in watts. Since a 60 watt bulb pulls less energy to it than a 100 watt bulb the 60 watt bulb will not be as bright.Resistance.Just in the amount of power used and the brightness of the bulb. The 60 watt bulb might be a bit smaller.

How can a 60 watt bulb use the same power as a 60 watt bulb can in a second?

A 60 watt bulb uses 60 watts of power continuously per second. It is consistent with the definition of power, which is the rate at which energy is consumed or produced. Therefore, a 60 watt bulb would use the same amount of power as another 60 watt bulb within the same timeframe of a second.

Would you use less electrical energy burning a 60 watt light bulb for 900 seconds or a 100 watt light bulb for 500 seconds?

It would use less electrical energy to burn the 60 watt light bulb for 900 seconds. This is because the total energy consumed is calculated by multiplying the power (in watts) by the time (in seconds), so for the 60 watt bulb: 60 watts * 900 seconds = 54,000 watt-seconds, and for the 100 watt bulb: 100 watts * 500 seconds = 50,000 watt-seconds.

Compare and contrast a 60 watt and 100 watt light bulb?

A 100 watt light bulb is brighter and consumes more energy compared to a 60 watt light bulb. The 100 watt bulb will produce more light output but also generate more heat, while the 60 watt bulb will be dimmer and more energy-efficient.

Is a watt a light bulb?

A 60 watt light bulb is a light bulb with 60 watts capacity. When talking about watts, you're talking about the power that is transferred from the appliance to the accessories. Therefore, the light bulb labeled "60 watts" takes 60 watts to light up. A 60 watt light bulb will not be as bright as a 120 watt light bulb.

What is deferent 60 watt to 3 froucent bulb?

If you are comparing the energy consumption of a 60-watt incandescent bulb to three 20-watt fluorescent bulbs, the fluorescent bulbs will consume less energy overall. Each fluorescent bulb uses less power than the incandescent bulb, resulting in a lower total energy consumption when all three are used together.

60-watt light bulb in jouls?

To calculate the energy used by a 60-watt light bulb in joules, you need to convert the power (watts) to energy (joules). First, convert watts to joules per second (1 watt = 1 joule/second), then multiply by the time the light bulb is on. So, for example, if the light bulb is on for 1 hour (3600 seconds), the energy used would be 60 watts * 3600 seconds = 216,000 joules.

Can i use a 20 watt bulb in a 60 watt socket?

It is not recommended to use a 20 watt bulb in a 60 watt socket as the socket is designed to handle a higher wattage bulb. Doing so may cause the bulb to burn out quickly or pose a fire hazard. It is safer to use a bulb with wattage equal to or lower than the socket's rated wattage.

How much energy is used by a 60 watt light bulb with a 45 s?

60 x 45 Joules.