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There are 45 levels with 5 of them being bosses.

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Q: How many levels are in black sheep acres?
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Ruth Palladium RuPd bought 10 Acres of land and built a house on 2.0 acres RuPd wanted to raise sheep on the remaining 8.0 acres If it takes 18 0.125 hectare to raise one sheep how many sheep?

I got 25 sheep. :) But, there's no guarantee I did it correctly.

How many acres do you need per sheep?

around 1/4 for one sheep. (thats what my sheep live in and he's happy!)

How many acres do you need to legally own sheep in Caledonia Wisconsin?

There are lots of regualtions regarding owning livestock (including sheep), not just how many acres you have. You would have to ask your local zoning department or agricultural division, they will point you in the right direction.

How many black sheep are there in Australia?


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What is a black and white sheep?

There are many black and white sheep. Such as the suffolk or hampshires. which have black heads and legs but a white body/wool.There are also Jacob which are piebald (black and white spotted).

Where can one find more information about black sheep?

There are many places where one could find more information about black sheep. The best place to learn more about black sheep would be in a biology or zoology textbook.

In a flock of black and white sheep 2 out of 5 are white if there are 8 more black sheep than white how many sheep are there?

Let's denote the number of white sheep as W and black sheep as B. Since 2 out of 5 sheep are white, we have W = 2/5(W+B). Also, it's given that there are 8 more black sheep than white, so B = W + 8. Solving these equations simultaneously, you will find that there are 32 sheep in total.

I have 40 acres of average quality land and wanting to run sheep. How many can I keep without hand feeding?

No more than 60.

How many levels in black ops 2?

There are 55 levels in multiplayer.

How many bags of wool did the black sheep have?

The popular nursery rhyme "Baa, Baa, Black Sheep" mentions the black sheep having three bags of wool - one for the master, one for the dame, and one for the little boy who lives down the lane.

Why are black sheep rare?

Black sheep are rare because of genetic mutations that cause their wool to be black instead of the more common white color. This mutation is not very common in sheep populations, making black sheep a rarity. Additionally, historically, black sheep were often culled from flocks due to the belief that their wool was less valuable than white wool.