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The poem consisted of several tetrameters.

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1mo ago

Trochaic tetrameter is a poetic meter consisting of four trochees per line, with a trochee being a metrical foot consisting of a stressed syllable followed by an unstressed syllable. This meter is commonly used in English poetry and lends a rhythmic and energetic quality to the verses. Famous poems like Longfellow's "The Song of Hiawatha" and Poe's "The Raven" are written in trochaic tetrameter.

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12y ago

The Greek and Latin epic poetry is often written in heroic hexameter.

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8y ago

The poetic form "tetrameter" is four measures per verse/ four metrical "feet" per line.

So it is a measure of syllabic feet per line, not a number of lines.

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The lines of verse use a combination of three stressed syllables (trimeter) followed by four trochaic metrical feet (trochaic tetrameter) in the first two lines, followed by four trochaic metrical feet in the next three lines. The final line consists of three stressed syllables (trimeter).

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What trochaic tetrameter?

Trochaic tetrameter is a meter in poetry. It refers to a line of fourtrochaicfeet. The word "tetrameter" simply means that the poem has four trochees. A trochee is a long syllable, or stressed syllable, followed by a short, or unstressed, one.

Which line is an example of trochaic tetrameter in shakespear?

The witches' chant in Macbeth Act 4, Scene 1 ("Double, double, toil and trouble") is an example of trochaic tetrameter in Shakespeare's works. Trochaic tetrameter consists of four trochees in a line, where a trochee is a stressed syllable followed by an unstressed syllable.

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Psalm of life is a trochaic tetrameter.

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Trochaic tetrameter

Which line is a example of trochaic tetrameter?

It is made up of four two-syllable feet.

What is a metrical line with 4 metrical feet?

A metrical line with 4 metrical feet is called tetrameter. Each foot typically consists of two syllables or one long syllable, following a specific pattern depending on the type of verse (e.g., iambic tetrameter, trochaic tetrameter).

What is the meter in where the sidewalk ends?

The meter in "Where the Sidewalk Ends" is primarily trochaic tetrameter, which consists of four trochaic feet per line. This meter helps create a playful and rhythmic quality to the poem, enhancing its whimsical and imaginative tone.

What is the basic rhythm scheme of the poem Sorrow by Edna St Vincent Millay?

Iambic tetrameter Iambic heptameter

What is a trochaic dimeter?

Trochaic pentameter is a line with 5 trochaic feet, or stresses.For example: Bobby wanted candy Tuesday eveningThis is in contrast to iambic pentameter which has 5 iambic feet, or stresses:The bird upon electric chord is flaming

What meter does shakespeare use in The Merchant of Venice?

As always, Shakespeare makes use of a good deal of blank verse, which is to say unrhymed iambic pentameter. The verses in the caskets and the comments of Morocco and Aragon thereon are in trochaic tetrameter, without the weak beat of the last trochee, as Dum-da Dum-da Dum-da Dum. The rhythm of "Tell me where is fancy bred" is similar: it may be scanned as iambic tetrameter as well as trochaic.