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The Hindu-Arabic numeral of 4 does not have any lines of symmetry as such but the numeral of 0 does have lines of symmetry

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Q: How many lines of symmetry does the symbol for number 4 in Hindu has?
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How many lines of symmetry does a cyilder have?

A cylinder has an infinite number of lines of symmetry (because a circle has an infinite number of lines of symmetry).

How many lines of symmetry has the number 4?

no lines of symmetry

What relationship can you find between the the number of lines of symmetry?

The relationship is one of identity. The number of lines of symmetry for any object, are always identically equal to the number of lines of symmetry for that same object.The relationship is one of identity. The number of lines of symmetry for any object, are always identically equal to the number of lines of symmetry for that same object.The relationship is one of identity. The number of lines of symmetry for any object, are always identically equal to the number of lines of symmetry for that same object.The relationship is one of identity. The number of lines of symmetry for any object, are always identically equal to the number of lines of symmetry for that same object.

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A diamond symbol has two lines of symmetry.

Do triangles and trapezoids have the same number of lines of symmetry?

yes it has the same number of lines of symmetry

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A circle has an infinite number of lines of symmetry

Lines of symmetry in a circle?

There's an infinite number of lines of symmetry in a circle.

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No, a polygon can have fewer lines of symmetry.

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How many lines of symmetry does a plolygon have?

It depends on how many sides that it has and whether of not it is regular (all the lines of the polygon are of equal length if it is a regular polygon). For regular polygons, the number of symmetry lines is the number of sides if number of sides is an odd number. Otherwise, the number of symmetry lines is double the number of sides. A square has 4 sides and 8 symmetry lines; a triangle has 3 sides and 3 symmetry lines.

What is the rule for the number lines of symmetry of any regular polygon?

Number of lines of symmetry = Number of sides of the regular polygon

Do all octogons have the same number of lines of symmetry?

All regular octagons have the same number of lines of symmetry, but octagons with unequal sides would have fewer lines of symmetry.