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my estimate is about 25-50 lions

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Q: How many lions were killed by humans each year?
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Related questions

How many people get killed by lions every year?

101 people a year get killed by lions

How many lion attacks have there been?

Only the tiger has killed more humans than lions. Numbers are without question in the thousands.

How many humans killed per year?

Over 400,000 shark been killed by humans each year now sharks are endangered species

How many gray wolf's get killed each year due to humans?

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Do humans hunt lions?

do humans hunt lion?yes but there days it for fun or there fur not many people hunt them for there meat because why do that when you can get cow,chicken,fish,pork est at the shops without the danger of getting killed and its way easyierYes it is but it is illegal to hunt lions.

How many dolphins are killed by humans worldwide?

100 were killed by humans

Are many lions killed?

300 every year

Who are the lions enimes?

Lions do not really have many enemies apart from humans, because they are the top of the food chain. So their main enemies are humans.

Who is the lion's greatest enemy?

Lions do not have many natural predators; humans, other lions and hyenas are sometimes known to kill lions.Lions are apex predators, therefore they have no natural enemies. However, man has hunted and killed lions for centuries and because of this, lions are endangered.

How many people have been killed by lions?

There is no way to estimate how many people have been killed by lions, or by most other causes of death. Perhaps you could narrow down your criteria? Restrict it, maybe, to a particular area, or time? Also to whether the cause of death by lion is direct (being killed by a lion, for example) or indirect (dying from a motor vehicle accident involving hitting a lion, or from being fatally injured while avoiding a lion, for example).

How many people are killed by fish in lakes each year?

Lion fish venom is highly toxic to humans but rarely causes death. Only a handful of people are killed each year from their stings.

How many Jaguars are killed by humans each year?

from the 1960s until 1973 18,000 jaguars were killed