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There are 100 metres in one hectometre. Therefore, 50 hectometres is equal to 50 x 100 = 5000 metres.

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Q: How many meters are there in 50 hectometres?
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There are 100 metres in one hectometre. Therefore, 23 metres is equal to 23/100 = 0.23 hectometres.

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There are 100 metres in one hectometre. Therefore, 900 metres is equal to 900/100 = 9 hectometres.

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There are 100 metres in one hectometre. Therefore, 279.2 metres is equal to 279.2/100 = 2.792 hectometres.

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There are 100 metres in a hectometre. Therefore, 85 hectometres is equal to 85 x 100 = 8500 metres.

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There are 100 metres in one hectometre. Therefore, 134 metres is equal to 134/100 = 1.34 hectometres.

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There are 100 metres in one hectometre. Therefore, 600 metres is equal to 600/100 = 6 hectometres.

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There are 100 metres in one hectometre. Therefore, 2550 metres is equal to 2550/100 = 25.5 hectometres.

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There are 100 metres in one hectometre. Therefore, 300 metres is equal to 300/100 = 3 hectometres.