

How many brains do ants have?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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15y ago

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The better question would be, do ants have brains?

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13y ago

it only has 1 an its small

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Q: How many brains do ants have?
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Do ants have brains?

Ants have a main brain and several smaller brains that run along the length of their bodies called, "ganglia". The ganglia are little assistant brains to the main brain. The brain inside the ants head controls things like smell, sight and touch, but the smaller brains control, to some degree movement of the ant. Have you ever noticed that an ant will continue to twitch if you step on it? Even if the head is separated from the ants body, the legs will still twitch. This is because the smaller brains (ganglia) are still telling the ants legs to move!

Yes ants are brainy they have bigger brains than gurpreet bhuee?


What organs do ants have?

i know they have a heart, main brain and smaller brains. they dont have lungs though

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between 20 and 30. :)

How many pages does The Ants have?

The Ants has 746 pages.

How many times the ants molt?

Zero times the ants molt. Ants do not molt.

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It depends on whether they are curr ants, penn ants or tyr ants.

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There are many birds that will eat siafu ants. These ants are also known as safari ants or driver ants.

How many ants there in the world?

Actually there are 17,678,577,670 ants in the world.

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