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Q: How many more vertices dose a rectangular prisim have than a rectangular pyramid?
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How many more vertices dose a rectangular prism have than a rectangular pyramid?

3 more vertices

How many vertices dose this pyramid have?

None. A non-existent pyramid has no vertices.

How many faces vertices's and edges dose a pentagonal prisim have?

A pentagonal prism has: 7 faces 10 vertices 15 edges

How many vertices dose a rectangualer prisam have?

A rectangular prism has 8 vertices.

How many vertices dose a rectangular prism have?


How many vertex dose saquare pyramid have?

A square pyramid has 5 vertices

How many edges and vertices dose a octagonal pyramid?

16 edges, 9 vertices.

How many faces edges and vertices does a square pyramid?

A square pyramid dose not have any faces, edges or vertices because a dose is a measured amount of medicine!However, a square based pyramid does have any 5 faces, 8 edges and 5 vertices.

How many edges dose a rectangular pyramid have?


How meny vertices dose a square based pyramid have?

there is 5

How many more verticies dose a rectangular prism have than a rectangular pyramid?

Rectangular prism - 8 Rectangular pyramid - 5 8-5 = 3 Answer: 3

How many more vertices dose a square pyramid have than a triangular pyramid?

One more