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Q: How many natural resources does the environment provide?
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How many natural resources are in Belize?

there are many natural resources in Belize

Which option for drinking water used the fewest resources from the environment if it is used many times?

Natural recycled water

Why was the environment of the west coast favorable for settlement by so many native Americans?

Great weather and plentiful Natural Resources.

What is the difference between cultural resource and natural resource?

A cultural resource is any skills, talents, abilities and knowledge a man uses in order to provide a good or service, it also takes into account any made resource used to aid in the production of goods and providing services eg, machinery. Whereas a natural resource is anything purely from the natural environment. They many be biotic resources such as forest products like timber and woodchips and animal products such as beef and fish. Natural Resources may also be abiotic resources obtained from non living things such as soil, water and air, and minerals such as iron ore and gold. Simply a cultural resource is man made or man inspired and natural resources are those things that come from the natural environment.

Why did Europeans view Africa as an opportunity to spread imperialism?

Africa had many Natural Resources

What are the benefits of conserving the natural resources?

Natural resources should be conserved because in the future we will be needing resources such as oil and petrol for many purposes and instead of using fossil fuels for producing energy and polluting environment and it improves the life span of it.

Why was the environment of the west Coast favorable for settlement so many groups of Native Americans?

Great weather and plentiful Natural Resources.

Why was the environment of west coast favorable for settlements by so many groups of native Americans?

Great weather and plentiful Natural Resources.

What is the correct verb in the sentence the Philippines many natural resources?

have The Philippines have many natural resources.

Why was the environment of the west coast favorable for settlement by so many groups of native americans?

Great weather and plentiful natural resources.

What are the example of natural resources?

There are a great many different types of natural resources that could be considered. These natural resources include fresh water.

What are Tennessee 's natural resources?

Tennessee has many natural resources. Some of the natural resources are tobacco, limestone, oil, natural gas, squash, coal, and hardwoods.