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I assume "non mammals" in your question means all animals that are not mammals.

There are over one million species of animals in the world that are not mammals. We cannot give an exact number because we do not know how many undiscovered animals there are. Mammals make up less than one half of one percent of all animals.

If you are asking, "How many individual animals are there on earth that are not mammals?" then no one can answer.

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Q: How many non mammals in the world are there?
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Are most non mammals organisms too?

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What can mammals do that non-mammals cannot?

mammals can give birth to live young they have hair on their bodies and they can produce milk.

What are two mammals that are not placental mammals?

The echidna and the platypus are non-placental mammals. They are monotremes, or egg-laying mammals. Kangaroos, wallabies, koalas, bandicoots, wombats and Tasmanian devils are just a few other non-placentals, as they are marsupials.