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Q: How many opening does mollucks have?
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What would happen if shelled mollucks lost there shell?

They would have less protection from predators! (plato)

What do mollucks have in common?

Mollusks have a soft, unsegmented body and live in aquatic or damp habitats, and most kinds have an external calcareous shell.

How many people were at the opening ceremony?

There were 500 attendees at the opening ceremony.

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the answer is : "the opening of many new schools".

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They have one opening opening according to Biology flatworm notes I found. By Khoa

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There are many things which are important to review when opening a bank account.

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There is a space before an opening bracket, but I am reasonably sure there is no space after the opening bracket. Neither is there one before the closing bracket.

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4 billion people will view the opening olympic events

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13 straight opening day starts, from 1980through 1992.

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How many people want to Yankee Stadium on opening day 2010?

49,283 went to the Yankees game on opening day.