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Well there are over 10000 penguins over in the southern hemisphere

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Q: How many penguins live in the southern hemisphere?
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How many penguins can a polar bear eat at one time?

Penguins live in the southern hemisphere, polar bears live in the northern hemisphere. So polar bears do not eat penguins.

How many types of penguins are there in England?

Only live penguins are in zoological gardens and dead ones in museums. No wild penguins in England.

How many different types of penguins live in Ohio and Tennessee?

None. These animals' natural habitat is in the Southern Hemisphere.

How many penguins are there in a penguin colony?

There are 17 different kinds of penguins that live on different continents, all in the southern hemisphere. Depending on the type of penguin, several hundred to several thousand.

How many penguins live in the North Pole?

All species of penguin are native to the Southern Hemisphere. The Galapagos penguin lives in the vicinity of the equator and so, technically, a few miles into the Northern Hemisphere, but no penguins live any farther north than that.

Do puffins live in the North Pole?

Yes. Arctic Puffins live at the North pole, along sea coasts, islands in the north Atlantic and the Arctic Ocean.

How many penguines are there in the world?

Somewhere between 20,000,000 - 30,000,000 penguins. Some penguins species have around 11million - 15million a pair. And there are several smaller species that has around 100,000 - 250,000 a pair.

Where penguins are found in arctic or Atlantic?

None live at the south pole: these are sea birds who make their homes in ocean waters. All are found in the southern hemisphere and many species are found on the Galapagos Islands. Penguins breed on land, but live in sea water.

How many penguins are there in the Arctic Circle?

There are no penguins in the Arctic. They do live in Antarctica, southern Africa and western South America.

Where are penguins only found in?

Although most people associate penguins with the cold climate of the Antarctic (south pole) they are distributed throughout the southern hemisphere. Along with the Antarctic many species live in Australia, New Zealand, South America, and South Africa. Some species live as close to the equator as the Galápagos Islands.

Where can penguins be found in the wild?

The penguin has many natural habitats throughout the world including Antarctica, The Galapagos Islands, New Zealand, and South Africa. You can also find them in many zoo's throughout the world because of their rarity.

Where a penguin is found?

Penguins are found at many aquariums, or zoos. Penguins live in the south pole and other places in the southern hemisphere. Suprising as you think, penguins live in hot places, like Africa. Penguins are at SeaWorld, Orlando, FL ; Atlantis, Riverhead, NY ; a place in Boston- I dont know the name; and many other places. I have seen the amazing, adorable penguins at these places. I doubt you will go to Africa, or Antarctica just to see these penguins. So, try an aquarium near you, if they don't have any- they suck. But, I think it's important- you should know PENGUINS ROCK!