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Q: How many people can fit in one Hopi adobe home?
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Who were the Anasazi and Hopi?

The Anasazi are people who lived in the high plateau four corners area for 800 years until 1300. In the 1200s they started moving south and east and consolidating in the locations of the Modern Pueblo peoples. Some of them moved to the Hopi mesas. The Hopi were at their location as early at 1000 AD. They share in the same culture. They trace many of their clans and rituals to different Anasazi locations. The Hopis and Pueblo people are the Anasazi's direct descendants. Today there are about 18,000 Hopi members of the Hpoi Nation mostly on the three mesas on the southern edge of Black mesa were they have always lived, to the northeast of Flagstaff. About 75% speak Hopi. Many still farm corn and participate in complex rituals. Attached is the Hopi Nation website.

What did the Navajo Hopi Anasazi do that is unusual?

The Navajo and Hopi are modern people who both live in the American Southwest but are very different in many ways. They speak completely unrelated languages for example. We don't know what the Anasazi spoke. Probably several languages in different families. The Navajo have borrowed some ideas from the Hopi. The ancient Hopi lived at the same time as the now gone Anasazi, shared many cultural traits and probably some of the Hopi clans are descended from Anasazi groups. Some Navajo clans are probably from Anasazi groups too. As a whole it is very hard to say what they did and do that is "unusual". That depends on what you think is usual.

How did the Hopi tribe get to Arizona?

According to Hopi tradition the Hopi clans migrated after entering this, the fourth world. Each went to the farthest they could go in their chosen direction. There are many stories about their travels and how they finally made it to where the Hopi live today. That site has had Hopi living there for about 1100 years. The stories tell of the clans arriving over a period of 800 years. The name of various clans reflect their travels. There is no reason to doubt that Hopi clans in fact lived other places once. The so called Anasazi sites are clearly direct ancestors of today's Pueblo people including the Hopi. The Hopi language is related to ones as far south as southern Mexico and as far north as Wyoming. The last group to arrive we know about from historic times. After the Pueblo Revolt of 1680 some Rio Grande Tewa speakers moved to Hopi lands and were allowed to settle there. They still speak Tewa, Hopi and English to this day.

In what type environment did the Hopi live?

Hopi Indians lived many live such as a farmer they grew most of their food

What religion did the Hopi Tribe practice?

Hopi worshiped Kachinas (KAH-CHEE-NAHS). Kachinas were belived to be spirits that watched over or harmed the Hopi. There were good kachinas, and jokester kachinas. Jokester kachinas, were evil and brought things such as war, bad harvest, to much snow, heat, or rain, sickness, and other things that could harm the Hopi tribes.

Related questions

How many people could live in the adobe homes?

About one family could live in an adobe home.

What Tribes lived in the Adobe Dwellings?

the Pueblo Indians lived in the adobe houses. Each Pueblo tribe is named for the pueblo it lives in. Some are Zuni, Laguna, Acoma, Tewa, Tiwa and Towa. There are many others. Hopi people also live in adobe houses.

What is loction of the hopi?

On the mesa of northeast Arizona. We have nothing to do with living in teepee's!The Hopi are a federally recognized tribe of indigenous Native American people, who primarily live on the 2,531.773 sq mi (6,557.262 km²) Hopi Reservation in northeastern Arizona.Their homes were traditionally the Pueblo style - built with adobe and boxlike in shape. Many still live in such homes as they are practical, but many who live on the reservation have moved into homes that are more westernized such as mobile homes, duplexes, single family frame homes, etc.

Where can I find adobe after effect tutorials?

On the adobe site - If you have a registered legal copy there a=re many created by the people who programmed the tools

How many family members had a Hopi family?

Around 7,000 Hopi are today living on the Hopi reservation in Arizona. At the time of first contact there were estimated to be 2,800 Hopi.

In Adobe Acrobat what does Adobe mean?

Adobe as in "adobe acrobat" doesn't have a meaning per say. It is the name of the company. You will find many Adobe products at

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No. The best-working grammatically correct form of your question is "How many people are at your home?" Also acceptable are "How many people are you at home with?" "How many people are at home with you?" "With how many people are you at home?" and "With whom are you at home?"

How many syllables are in the word adobe?

The word adobe has three syllables. (a-do-be)

Who were the Anasazi and Hopi?

The Anasazi are people who lived in the high plateau four corners area for 800 years until 1300. In the 1200s they started moving south and east and consolidating in the locations of the Modern Pueblo peoples. Some of them moved to the Hopi mesas. The Hopi were at their location as early at 1000 AD. They share in the same culture. They trace many of their clans and rituals to different Anasazi locations. The Hopis and Pueblo people are the Anasazi's direct descendants. Today there are about 18,000 Hopi members of the Hpoi Nation mostly on the three mesas on the southern edge of Black mesa were they have always lived, to the northeast of Flagstaff. About 75% speak Hopi. Many still farm corn and participate in complex rituals. Attached is the Hopi Nation website.

Who contributed to the development of Adobe software?

Adobe software has got a wide rang of sub categories such as Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Edge and many more. Each of these software has its own contributor.

Why do the Hopi people eat food?

The Hopi people eat food because, like all other humans and many other species, they will very quickly die if they fail to do so. Perhaps your question refers to specific food types? If that's the case you might like to expand upon your question.

How many Hopi Indians still exist today?

There are 18,327 Hopi on the 2010 census. About 8,000 live on the Hopi Nation. In 1572-3 the Spanish reported there were 12,000. In 1910 the US census reported 2000.