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depends on how many people take that drug

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Q: How many people die from taking dangerous drugs?
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Related questions

How many people survived from taking drugs?

All of the ones that don't die by taking drugs.

How many bupropion pills does it take to get high?

We are not here to advise people how to abuse drugs. Taking any drug that has not been prescribed for you is foolhardy and dangerous.

How long do people live if they are on taking drugs?

The answer can vary between many types of drugs and people, so there is no definite answer.

What reason people are taking drugs?

There are many reasons for people take drugs:-LegalityPrescribed MedicationFitting InDepressionPeer PressureTo Feel GoodAvailabilityGatewayExperimentingSelf Medicating

How many people die from taking drugs in Florida?

A lot less than Hollywood

How many people in New Zealand smoke drugs?

Many people take drugs in New Zealand, but the majority of these will be prescribed by proper medical authorities. In addition, there is a sizable business in "health preparations", some as innocent as mega vitamin C, and these are outside the prescribing framework. And as in any society, there are some who indulge in dangerous and illegal drug taking.

How many people die over drug abuse?

about 1500 people i suggest if your taking drugs stop before it's to late

How many die from taking drugs?


How many teenagers are taking drugs?

i dont no like 100000 this world is collapsing because of them I don't know how many but it an alarming amount. Many of the young people that are taking drugs now are getting them from their parents medicine cabinets. Adults are on medication for things that they never were before. Teenagers are finding a ready supply of drugs right at home.

Should tularemia be treated with chloramphenicol of streptomycin?

Tularemia can be treated with drugs, the best choices being streptomycin. There is a vaccine for it but not many people get it because it can be dangerous.

How did Whintney Huston die?

Taking a bath after having many drugs.

Why are there so many drugs?

The people on drugs can be a danger to society because they are not lucid or aware of their actions. The making of particular drugs (such as meth) can be explosive and harm innocent people. The use of drugs can cause negative and irreversable side affects. The purchasing of drugs can be dangerous for those purchasing, those selling and by-standers due to violence often associated with drug purchases.