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on day 1 - 507 british soilders were killed

on day 2 - 4899 canadian soilders were injured but none killed

on day 3 - 2422 american soilders were killed .

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Q: How many people died on sword beach day 1?
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How many died Sword Beach?

639 Allied soldiers were killed on Sword Beach.

How many americans died on sword beach?

No Americans died on Sword Beach. This was attacked only by British troops who lost approximately 600 casualties.

How many german deaths on sword beach on d-day?

Germany casualties were unclear for the whole day. However at least 1,000 Germans are known to have died on Sword Beach.

How many US men died on Sword beach?

None, Sword was all units of the British Army and British Commando forces.

How many casualties did the british suffer at sword beach d day?

During D-Day at Sword Beach, Britain lost about 550 Soldiers.

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There were approximately 840 British deaths on Sword. The Germans had over 1,000 casualties, but it is unclear how many died.

How many Germans were killed at sword beach D-Day?


How many troops landed on sword beach on D-Day?

28,845 troops landed on Sword Beach . These were in the British 8th, 9th,and 185th Brigades and #48 Royal Marine Commando.

How many men fought on sword beach?

Approximately 29,000 British and other Allied soldiers and Commandos landed on Sword Beach and were opposed by the German 716th Infantry Division and the 21 st Panzer Division

How many people died on gold beach?

The United Kingdom lost 400 man and the Germans lost more.

How many people died on beaches?

; Member Since: : June 24, 2008 ; Total Points: : 185 (Level 1) ; Points earned this week: : 0 * Ad My Contacts * Block User if you are looking for the past 100 years, there have been aproxamentaly, 2.5 million people around the world have died from drownding. *

How many soldiers died at Omaha beach during d day?

There were 4,184 'casualties' on Omaha beach on D-Day. I am not aware how many of those died.