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Q: How many people don't have clean air in the US?
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Related questions

What are the economic benefits of clean air?

Having clean air can create many economic benefits. One long term benefit is that by having clean air, people will be healthier, and as such, health care costs will be low.

How can you clean out the cabin air duct in a 2005 Toyota Tacoma?

No they dont have one

Who supported the clean air act?

Many people from different countries have supported the different clean air acts. Former Canadian Environment Minister Rona Ambrose introduced the second Clean Air Act in mid-October 2006. The British Parliament also introduced the Clean Air Act 1956 and 1968. The United States federal government has also enacted a series of clean air acts.

How do people get clean air in the desert?

For the most part, the air in desert is clean air, much cleaner than that found in most of the major cities of the world.

Is maintaining the quality of our air important how can you help preserve the cleanliness of our air?

Yes.If you dont clean our surroundings the polution will getting worst because of that polution.

What does a person feel when you feel the feeling of air?

a person feels normal because air is air but some people dont like airports so they dont fly to places with air but they dont go on the moon either

What happens to air pressure when you travel higher and higher?

The higher up you go in elevation the thinner the air around you becomes making it hard to breathe for many people.

How do you clean air purifiers?

There are many ways to clean air purifiers. Typically, air purifiers can be cleaned by taking a soft and damp cloth and rubbing the whole air purifier with the cloth.

Why did the Clean Air Act of 1970 pass?

The Clean Air Act of 1970 passed because congress wanted to implement legislation against pollution. The Clean Air Act is actually a very beneficial act for the American people as it limits the amount of pollution in our air.

Does the clean air act control the amount of air pollutants that can be released from many sources?


Does the clean air act control the amount of air pollutant that can be released from many sources?


Can people beathe in Antarctica?

Yes, the air there is clean, fresh and invigorating.