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As of April 5, 2010, a total of 517 humans from 38 countries.

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Q: How many people have traveled into space?
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Since space exploration began how many people have traveled to the moon?


How many of the people traveled to outer space were citizens?

Well, everybody who went to space were citizens of one country or another.

Why Did The Pioneers Travel To The Frontier?

pioneers traveled through the frontier for many different reasons but the main reason is that they were running out of space and more people were moving in

How many shuttles traveled to space from US?

5 Space Shuttle orbiters have been built. 3 remain in service.

How many kilometers can a human travel into space?

Currently, the farthest a human has traveled into space is about 400,000 kilometers. That is the distance from the Earth to the Moon.

How many people were on Henry hudsons journey?

20 people traveled with him

About how many settlers traveled in the Oregon trail?

Over 500,000 people traveled on the Oregon Trail.

Where would you be if traveled 6 million miles in space?

in Outer Space

Where did pioneers traveled west?

outer space

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How many people traveled with President Obama on his INdia trip?

Too many!

Did any one travel to space with Yuri A Gagarin?

No the traveled in space alone.