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Q: How many people in the cast of Jessie are Christians?
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How many boyfriends has Jessie j had?

It is not confirmed about how many boyfriends Jessie J has had

How many panic attacks did Jessie j have?

Jessie J had 3 panic attacks.

How many sisters and brothers does Jessie j have?

She has two sisters named Hannah and Rachael :)

How many songs had Jessie j got released?

There are about 16 songs released by Jessie J.

Does Jessie J play any musical instrument?

Yes Jessie J is a singer songwriter she's been a judge on the voice she's awesome and she's wrote every song that she sings by the way most people who like Jessie J like Rhianna so no Rhianna isn't a singer songwriter she gets other people to write her songs

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How many people has Jessie J gone out with?

3 people in her life

How many people baught Jessie J albums?

22 million

How many people in Jessie J's family?

I believe she has two older sisters.

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Because so many Christians are decent people.

How many songs has Jessie J sang?

how many song has jessie j had

How many boyfriends has Jessie j had?

It is not confirmed about how many boyfriends Jessie J has had

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4-3 people are christians or that is just the score stoke beat blackpool

Is Jessie over?

no jessie is not over. it will continue for many more seasons. ;)

How many accidents had Jessie j had?

jessie j had 0 accidents

How many kids does Jessie have?

Jessie J doesn't have any children.

How many other people died in the Holocaust except Jews?

Gay People..Non Germans/Christians and Slaves.Gay People..Non Germans/Christians and Slaves.About 2750000 peopleroma