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Q: How many people lived in Britain in world war 2?
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How many people lived in Britain in 1750?

Around 6.5 million people lived in Britain in 1750.

Is romanization a valid term to describe the spread and influence of roman culture in the first and second centuries ad in Britain and Gaul?

Yes, it is a valid term, as the people in Britain and Gaul lived according to Roman law and culture, with many of them becoming Roman citizens and magistrates.Yes, it is a valid term, as the people in Britain and Gaul lived according to Roman law and culture, with many of them becoming Roman citizens and magistrates.Yes, it is a valid term, as the people in Britain and Gaul lived according to Roman law and culture, with many of them becoming Roman citizens and magistrates.Yes, it is a valid term, as the people in Britain and Gaul lived according to Roman law and culture, with many of them becoming Roman citizens and magistrates.Yes, it is a valid term, as the people in Britain and Gaul lived according to Roman law and culture, with many of them becoming Roman citizens and magistrates.Yes, it is a valid term, as the people in Britain and Gaul lived according to Roman law and culture, with many of them becoming Roman citizens and magistrates.Yes, it is a valid term, as the people in Britain and Gaul lived according to Roman law and culture, with many of them becoming Roman citizens and magistrates.Yes, it is a valid term, as the people in Britain and Gaul lived according to Roman law and culture, with many of them becoming Roman citizens and magistrates.Yes, it is a valid term, as the people in Britain and Gaul lived according to Roman law and culture, with many of them becoming Roman citizens and magistrates.

How many people lived there when if they won the world cup?

millions people lived when they won world cup.

How many people lived?

there is 7 billion people on the whole world

Where did the British originated from?

The original British were Celtic, and lived in Britain for thousands of years. Saxons from Germany and Denmark invaded Britain, and these are the people most British people are descended from. Because of the British Empire, many different people from all over the world have come to Britain, and so being British can mean many different things. Countries that many British people originally come from are Jamaica, Pakistan, Ireland, Nigeria, China and many others.

How many people lived in the world in the year 1900?

I think 2billion people

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How many per cent of people lived and worked in the countryside in Britain?

In the 19th century, about 80% of people in Britain lived and worked in the countryside. This figure began to decline with industrialization and the growth of urban centers. By the early 20th century, the majority of the population had shifted to urban areas.

How many people did Britain lose in World War 1?

Britain lost 700,000 fighting men in WW1

How many people lived at Babylon at its peak?

It is estimated that around 200,000 people lived in Babylon at its peak and was the largest city in the world at that time.

How many people lived in Babylon at its peak?

It is estimated that around 200,000 people lived in Babylon at its peak and was the largest city in the world at that time.