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There are 9 Supreme Court Justices, all who serve for life.

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Q: How many people serve in the high court?
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How many serve people on the high court?


How many serve on on the high court?


How many justice serve on the highest court?

9 judges serve on the supreme court.

How many people sit on a jury Australia?

It depends on which court you are talking about Magistrate's court - no jury, only the judge County court - 6 people Supreme court - 6/12 people ? High court - 12 people

How many supreme court Justice serve the supreme court?

There are 5 Wyoming Supreme Court Justices.

How many justice serve on Supreme Court?

There are 5 Wyoming Supreme Court Justices.

How many justices serve one the supreme court?

There are 5 Wyoming Supreme Court Justices.

How many people are in the appelate system?

Appelate system means that if a person loses his case in trail court he can appeal in high court against this verdict of trail court.

How many judges serve on the florida supreme court?

There are seven judges on the Florida Supreme Court.

How many high courts are there in Pakistan?

Every capital city and capital itself has a High Court. There are 5 High courts in total in Pakistan. The names of these High Courts are Lahore High Court, Islamabad High Court, Baluchistan High Court, Sindh High Court and Peshawar High Court.

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What is high court?

A high court usually has jurisdiction over many lower courts. When an appeal is made, it is made to a high or higher court.