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Even though not everyone with a mental illness gets better, many people with mental illnesses are able to lead functioning, happy lives. It depends on the severity of the person's disorder, the support the person has, the treatment being utilized, and the person's individual characteristics.

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13y ago
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14y ago

It can depend in the many factors/variables.

It can depend on the mental disorder, how old the person is, how serious their condition is.

You need to narrow down your question.

Happy Hunting.

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14y ago

Help with what? If you mean help with treatment The answer is yes. The type of treatment offered by orthomolecular doctors gives great hope

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Q: Can people with a mental illness function in society?
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How has how people see mental illness changed through time?

In the past mental illness was not viewed as an illness but, simply that something was wrong with the individuals that were not like everyone else. In today's society, mental illness is treated in a variety of ways, and is viewed as a true disorder.

How can society help people with a mental illness?

Based on examples around them, eventually they follow the behavior of others.

Can people recover from mental illness?

People come out of their mental illness , with drugs as well as councelling.

Is there a mental illness for helping people?

No there is not a illness for helping people.

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How does society portray mental disabilities today rather than in the 1930s?

Society is much better about its portrayal and reaction to mental illness than it was in the 1930s. Today, people understand that mental illness does not make a person insane or scary. There is still work to be done in advancing the tolerance of and decency towards mentally ill persons, though.

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When myth or superstition is used by common people to diagnose or treat people with mental illness, this is called myth by mental health professionals.

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No, concentration camps was where the Germans put the Jewish people and killed them, but mental hospitals are where people with mental illness go that can't live in normal society. Comparing them is an insult to all Jewish people and everyone who loved in the camps.

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Who may be vulnerable to mental illness?

People who have expirienced alot of emotional stress. or have a family history of mental illness. But everyone is

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it depend what mental illness you have and how mental you are.

Are there positions for people with mental illness?

Yes , plenty. Providing that you are mentally and emotionally stable a person with a mental illness can have any job they want.