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Q: How many people work in the tourism industry in Venice?
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Disadvantage of tourism on economic tourism?

Tourism has many practical advantages and disadvantages. One of the main disadvantages is the fact that tourism causes a lot of crowding and traffic. Another major drawback is that tourism sometimes brings with it increased criminal activity.

What are 5 advantages of tourism?

1. The tourism industry encompasses many different areas. This results in the fact that in these areas a lot of jobs are created. Many different levels of employment are created for people given in a community with different social classes. 2. Tourism may increase the GDP / national income. 3. Economic and educational growth of people. This can be invested in desired categories. 4. Broadens people's understanding of different cultures. 5. There is a continuous exchange (flow of) money between countries / states / towns / cities.

Explain the impact of recession on demand of any particular product?

Let us take the example of holidays & vacations - tours and travels industry. Due to recession, not many people are so interested in going for luxury vacations or exotic holidays. Many people are unsure of their jobs and hence want to cut down on their spending and also many people have lost their jobs due to the crisis and are currently not in a position to spend on such luxuries. As a result the tourism industry and the hospitality industry are badly hit.

How many people work in the forestry products industry?

The forestry products industry employs 1.5 million people in the United States.

Social impacts of tourism?

Tourism brings both the tourist and the native person in contact with various cultures. Many people are able to experience how others live by traveling the world.

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How many people work in the tourism industry in Mexico?


Define tourism development?

involves a broad ownership base which means that many people benefit from the tourism industry

What is the nature of tourism as industry?

Tourism effects an industry in a big way. Many foreign people come from places around the world and spend their money on our economy.

What is the nature of tourism as an industry?

Tourism effects an industry in a big way. Many foreign people come from places around the world and spend their money on our economy.

What is the importance of tourism in hospitality industry?

Tourism has a great importance to the hospitality industry because without tourism, many in the hospitality industry would not have work. Many hotels and restaurants rely on tourism to make up a good portion of the income.

What are the most popular jobs in Argentina?

Tourism is a large industry in Argentina. That is why the most common jobs found in Argentina are in the hotel and tourism sectors.

How do most people in Trinidad and Tobago earn a living?

many work in the hospitality industry, also in tourism

What industry is creating many jobs in the Caribbean and Mexico?

The tourism industry qualifies as such.

How did many people in Brevard County make their living before the space industry?

Before the rise of the space industry, many people in Brevard County made their living through agriculture, fishing, and tourism. The area had a strong citrus industry, as well as cattle ranching and commercial fishing. Additionally, tourism, particularly related to the beaches, was a significant source of income for many residents.

What is considered an irritant industry by many in Caribbean America?


How many people are employed in the travel and tourism industry in the UK?

2.1 million are employed and around 132,000 of them jobs are self employed :)

How much percent of world population is engaged in tourism industry?

Not as many than in the porn industry, or even the sex industry