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Q: How many pistil stamen and petal in one kalachuchi flower?
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What are the 5 parts of a flower?

petal stamen pistil sepal calyx

What are the six main parts of a flower?

Pedicel Receptacle Sepal Petal Stamen Carpel/Pistil Pedicel Receptacle Sepal Petal Stamen Carpel/Pistil Pedicel Receptacle Sepal Petal Stamen Carpel/Pistil

What words are related to the parts of the flower?

Anther, stamen, filament, petal, style, pistil sepal, ovary, ovule, stigma,

What are the scientific names for the parts of a flower?

Stamen, Anther, Pistil, Stigma, Petal, Corolla, Calyx, Sepal, Filament, are some words referring to the parts of a flower.

What type of flower lacks one or more organs?

An incomplete flower lacks one or more organs. Parts of a flower include the pistil, petal, sepal and stamen to make it complete.

What is the part names of a flower?

The Pistil (Which contains the Stigma, Style, and Ovary). The Stamen (Which contains the Anther and Filament). The Petal(s). Sepal. Receptable. Penduncle.

What are the four main parts of flowering plants?

(1) roots, (2) leaves, (3) stems, and (4) flowers.In Addition:There are four main parts to the flower:sepal, petal, stamen, carpels

What are flowers organs of?

Female; stigma, style, ovary, pistil Male ;petal, anther, filament, stamen

What are the major part of the?

Pistil-consist of stigma,style,ovary and ovules Stamen-anther and filament Sepal Petal

What are four main parts of a flowering plant?

As far a flower (angiosperm ) the main parts are sepals, petals, stamen, and carpels. Stamen containing male gametophytes. Carpals containing female gametophytes. sepals is what opens when the flower blossoms. Petal are the brightly colored part of the flower.

What is the difference between complete flowers and incomplete flowers?

Incomplete flower One which lacks any one or more of these parts; calyx, corolla, stamens, and pistils. And Complete flowers contain both the male and female parts (stamen and pistil) as well as sepals and petals. Hope it helps

What are the parts of a flamboyant flower?

flamboyant flower : stamen,pistal,anther,filament,petal,ovary,ovules,stigma,style.