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Adult Male Lions are known to consume upto 30 kilograms of meat in a single sitting. Female lions usually eat much lesser than this. If they cant devour their kill in a single meal, they usually guard the kill and feed on it for days together. For ex: a single Buffalo may feed the whole family or a few individuals for few days.

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Q: How many pounds of meat do lions eat every day?
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Do lions eat a lot?

65 pounds of meat a day.

How much do lions eat per day?

Female lions eat 11 pounds of meat a day, male lions eat around 15 pounds a day.

How much does a male lion eat?

Male lions can eat up to 75 pounds of meat in one sitting, and becasue meat is so nutritious, they need only to eat every three or four days.

How do lions feed?

Lions kill their prey by attacking it. They then use their teeth and claws to tear off pieces of meat. They can consume over 60 pounds of meat in a single sitting.

How much do lions have to eat each day?

In order to function properly, males need around ten pounds of meat each day or more, females around eight pounds. Lions can eat however, up to 70 pounds at one time!

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Hey pal LIONS eat MEAT

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How much do lions eat at one time?

A male lions needs to eat 15 and a half pounds of meat a day. A female eats 11 pounds a day.hope this was better than the previous answerLions generally only make a kill every two to four days. When they do have a successful hunt, a lion can eat 66 lbs in one sitting! The average daily amount that a male lion needs is 15 lbs and a lioness needs 11 lbs.Around 10 to 15 pounds of meat a day.up to 7/10 of their body weight. they tend not to however because the digestive process requires them to sleep for a 12 hour period which could render them prone to predators

Why does lions eat grass?

Lions eat grass after eating greasy meat like waterbuck

What will lions regularly eat?

Meat. lions are carnivores