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beryllium has 4 protons and helium has 2 protons

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Q: How many protons do the elements beryllium and helium each have?
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How do protons do the elements beryllium and helium each have?

beryllium has 4 protons and helium has 2 protons

What are elements in the periodic table?

There are 92 naturally occurring elements in the periodic table of the elements. Each element differs from the next by the number of protons within its nucleus. Hydrogen has one proton. Helium as two. Next comes Lithium, Beryllium, Boron, Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Flourine, and Neon, rounding out the first ten. Google "periodic table" for a complete list.

How many protons are there per atom?

The number of protons varies for different elements. For example, Hydrogen has only one proton in each atom. That's what makes hydrogen hydrogen. If it had two protons, it would be helium. If there were no protons, then it wouldn't be anything.

How are elements identified in terms of their of their atoms?

Each atom of one specific element has the same number of protons. For example, Helium has 1 proton in every atom's nucleus. To find how many protons are in an elements atoms nucleus, look at the elements atomic number on the Periodic Table.

How many protons nuetrons and electrons are in helium?

2 of each

Is helium a molecule?

Helium is an atom. Heavier elements have molecules.

How many different types of atoms are in helium?

Helium atoms do not contain different types of atoms. Each helium atom consists of two protons and two neutrons in its nucleus, with two electrons orbiting around the nucleus.

How can gold be obtained from mercury?

First, some background. Elements are formed in the bowels of stars that contain mostly hydrogen and helium. These hydrogen and helium atoms make new elements when they fuse together. (Ex. 2 helium atoms fusing together makes 1 beryllium atom because 2 electrons and 2 protons from each atom come together to create an atom with 4 electrons and 4 protons which is beryllium.) When the star explodes, these newly made elements are spread around the universe. Back to the question. Because mercury's atomic number is 80 and gold's is 79, in order for gold to be obtained, you would have to knock off 1 proton 1 electron and 3 neutrons. If i am not mistaken, this can in fact be done in hadron colliders but because of such small quantities of gold can be obtained from this, (about 1g per century) it is not a feasible option for obtaining gold.

How many protons are in each of the first 10 elements?

The periodic number of an element signifies its number of protons. Hydrogen, the first element, has one proton. Helium, the second element, has two protons. Lithium, the third element, has three protons. I'm sure you can figure out the rest.

What has beryllium in it?

4 protons, 4 electrons and a variable number of neutrons (different for each isotope)

How are elements different from each other?

Elements differ from each other based on the number of protons in their nucleus, known as the atomic number, which determines their identity. Each element has unique properties and characteristics, such as atomic mass, electron configuration, and chemical behavior, that set it apart from other elements. The arrangement of electrons in the outer shell also plays a significant role in determining an element's reactivity and bonding capabilities.

How many protons and neutrons and electrons has helium got?

It has 2 protons ,2 neutrons & 2 electrons.