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You can make 6

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Q: How many rectangular pyramids can you make using these 5 shapes 4 triangles and 1 rectangle?
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Related questions

What two dimensional shapes make up the net for a rectangular pyramid?

A rectangle and 4 triangles.

What shapes used to make rectangular pyramid?

To make a rectangualr pyramid,you need a rectangle for the base, and four triangles on the sides.

How many shapes of faces of a rectangular prism have?

2 shapes, a triangle, and a rectangle.since it is a prism, it is like a pyramid, 4 of the faces are triangles,but the base is a rectangle, hence the name rectangularprismtherefore, 2 shapes

What shapes are the faces on a triangular prism?

A triangular prism consists of 3 rectangles and 2 triangles (one on each end). For comparison: a rectangular pyramid (like the Great Pyramids) have 4 triangles and 1 rectangle (usually a square). A triangular pyramid has 4 triangles (imagine a normal pyramid, but with only three sides and the bottom is a triangle as well).

How are rectangular pyramid and triangular prism alike?

Both are 3D shapes which are pentahedra, comprising triangles and rectangle(s).

What are the shapes of a rectangular prism?

A rectangle and a square.

What shapes come out when you decompose a rectangle?

triangles and straight lines you can get on decomposing a rectangle.

What are the shapes of the faces of a trianglar prism?

triangles and rectangle

What shapes have 5 vertices and 8 edges?

Rectangular pyramids

Is a rectangle made up of congruent shapes?

I think a rectangle is NOT made up of congruent shapes because it only does not have triangles.

What is a shape with 5 face and the shapes are triangles and rectangles?

rectangular pyramid

How many shapes of faces does a rectangular pyramid have?

Two. Triangles and a square