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Q: How many senior students coach carter have?
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Related questions

What is the song in Coach Carter?

There were many songs in the movie Coach Carter. Check the link below for the whole list.

Which songs on the Coach Carter soundtrack was made specifically for the movie?

There are many songs on the Coach Carter soundtrack that were made specifically for the movie. Examples of songs from the Coach Carter soundtrack that were made specifically for the movie includes "All Night Long" and "No Need for Conversation".

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What are coach totes good for?

The Coach Company is the leading American designer and maker of luxury liestyle handbags. The Coach Tote is great for a school bag used by many students.

What is good inspirational speech during junior and senior promenade?

The junior and senior prom is very special to high school students. Many places do not do speeches, but if there is going to be a speech, it should include references to the students, how they are great students, how proud the faculty are, and how they hope they have a great time.

How many students are there in Namibia?

The Namibian education system accommodates approximately 600,000 learners of which 174,000 are senior secondary students and below 10,000 are pre-primary pupils.

Why do many teachers who coach not tell students why they got less playtime compared to someone of the same ability or were not in the starting lineup and have students too scared to ask them why?

maybe you should overcome your fears and ask your coach. There is nothing wrong with that. They probably didn't choose you as you may think you are not as good as the others, but you aren

What is the location of Coral Reef Senior High?

Coral Reef Senior High is located in Miami, Florida. Coral Reef High school is rated as a good school with many different activities for students to take part in.

How many children does hamish carter have?

how many children dose hamish carter have

How many wheels does a coach have?

the coach has 4 wheels

What is the meaning of junior senior promenade?

It is a High School function, usually a dance , that mixes Junior and Senior classes . In the US, that would be 11th and 12th grades.

How many kids does Jimmy Carter have?

Jimmy Carter has 4 children