

How many sentence?

Updated: 9/23/2023
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Q: How many sentence?
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How many R's aRe theRe in this sentence? I'd say three.

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The sentence "I have many friends." is a correct sentence. An alternate would be, "I have a lot of friends".

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The adjectives in the sentence are: many, happy, talkative. The noun in the sentence is: adults. There are no pronouns in this sentence. Note: The word 'many' can function as a noun, a pronoun, or an adjective. In the example sentence, the word 'many' is an adjective that describes the noun 'adults'.

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3 if you spell sentence correct

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There are many examples for this such as this sentence itself.

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there are 2 in a simple sentence

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There are many ways a judge can impose a sentence. One example is "I sentence you to ten years in prison."

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A run-on sentence is a sentence that contains multiple independent clauses not joined correctly. You can identify run-on sentences by looking for missing punctuation (like commas or semicolons) or conjunctions between clauses. Reading the sentence aloud can also help you detect if it sounds too long or disjointed.

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Many writers make their livelihood on a sentence.