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Q: How many side boys for a commander at navy retirement?
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What is the basic retirement pension for a British Royal Navy Commander?

The basic retirement pension is 1,000,000 GBP per year

How much is the pension of a navy commander?

A Navy commander will have to have at least 20 years of service to retire. That would entitle him to 50% of his base pay in retirement. That would be around $3500 a month..

How many bells does a navy commander get?


How many bells run when rank of navy commander arrives?

A navy commander would be piped aboard his ship. The ship's bell is only rung to announce the time.

What is the salary of wing commander in indian navy?

what is the salary of a wing-commander in Indian navy ? There is no rank of wing-commander in Indian Navy. This rank belongs to Indian Air force

Who is the commander an chief of the navy?

The President

Can you get your retirement from the navy if you did 4 years?


What does Ralph's dad do in the Lord of the Flies?

Ralph told Piggy that his father was a commander in the Royal Navy and later told the rest of the boys that his father had told him that the Queen had a room full of maps that showed every island in the world, including the one that they were stranded on. Ralph was completely convinced that his father, with a ship, the intended route of the plane and maps at his disposal would eventually find his own son. This unshakable belief in his father helped Ralph to cope with the disintegration of the boys society on the island as it offered some hope of a way out of the situation.

Who is supereme commander of navy forces?

The senior military person in the United States Navy is the Chief of Naval Operations. The Supreme Commander, or the Commander in Chief, is a civilian, the President of the United States.

What is the salary of wing-commander in Indian navy?

The salary of a Wing Commander in the Indian Navy can range from approximately 1.5 lakhs to 2 lakhs per month, depending on various factors such as rank, experience, and allowances.

Lieutenant Colonel in the Army is equivalent to what is it the Navy?

An O-5 in the navy is a Commander

The president is commander in chief of what?

The Army and the Navy