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Lupus does not have stages.

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Q: How many stages are in lupus?
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Are migraines associated with lupus?

Yes, many people with lupus do have migraines.

What is lupus of kidney?

Lupus nephritis, or lupus that affects the kidney, occurs in about 40% of systemic lupus cases. Either the immune system mistakenly attacks the kidneys or immune complexes from autoimmune activity elsewhere in the body get deposited in the kidneys, causing inflammation. The result is that the person "spills" protein and cellular casts into the urine. Protein is supposed to be filtered out of the urine and returned to the blood. There are no symptoms of lupus nephritis in the early stages. In progressive stages the patient may have an increase in blood pressure and equal swelling in both lower extremities. Regular urinalysis is the best way to catch lupus nephritis early when it is easiest to treat. The specific type of lupus nephritis is determined by a kidney biopsy. The type or classification determines the treatment plan.

How does lupus progress?

Most cases of lupus fall into the mild to moderate category, although lupus can also be life-threatening. If you have lupus over a long period of time and you have no organ involvement you will probably be OK. If you have lupus and are not monitored for organ invovlement you run the risk of permanent damage. Organ damage in lupus rarely has symptoms until it is quite serious. If you have organ invovlvement and follow your treatment plan and take you immunosuppressive medicaitons you will probably be OK. If you have organ involvement and don't follow your treatment plan you can suffer permanent organ damage and even death. Lupus patients are at increased risk for heart attack and stroke. The inflammation which occurs as a result of autoimmune activity can affect the blood vessels, resulting in build of of plaques. If these break off they can cause a heart attack or stroke. Long term and repeated use of steriods increases the risk. Lack of regular exercise adds to the problem. For this reason, lupus patients should minimize animal fat in their diets, and eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and plant proteins.

How many cases of lupus were reported in 2007?

Lupus cases are not reported to any agency.

How many people in the world have lupus?

It is estimated that 5 million people have lupus worldwide.

How many people have Lupus around the world?

It is estimated that over 5 million people worldwide have lupus. Lupus is a chronic autoimmune disease that can affect anyone, but it is most common in women of childbearing age. The exact number of people with lupus can vary depending on the source and methodology of data collection.

Why is lupus so frequently misdiagnosed?

== == Lupus symptoms tend to mimic many other diseases. Many times, the doctors look for many other things before looking for lupus. The phrase "But you don't look sick" is often associated with lupus. You tend to feel awful with this disease but look "normal." This can cause many patients who are misdiagnosed to feel like they are going crazy. Also, there is no single test to diagnose for lupus. A positive ANA in a blood test will sometimes show that one has lupus but it is not definitive.

What's Lupus?

The cause of lupus is not known. Research suggests that genes play an important role, but genes alone do not determine who gets lupus. It is likely that many factors trigger the disease.

What causes Lupus?

The cause of lupus is not known. Research suggests that genes play an important role, but genes alone do not determine who gets lupus. It is likely that many factors trigger the disease.

What substances can potentially trigger lupus?

Many of the substances that can potentially trigger lupus fall into the class of aromatic amines, or hydrazines

What is the grey wolf species?

canis lupus canis lupus

Can a bee sting bring Lupus out of remission?

There are many things that can bring Lupus out of remission and this includes bee stings. Anything that wakes up the immune system can cause a Lupus flare up.