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The first inukshuk is estimated to have been constructed with around 10 to 15 stones. These structures vary in size depending on their purpose and location.

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Q: How many stones were in the first inukshuk?
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Related questions

Where was the first inukshuk made?

in Yukon Ontario

What are Stone markers called?

The Inuit inukshuk has evolved into more than just stone markers. It has become a symbol of leadership, cooperation and the human spirit. Each stone of an inukshuk is a separate entity but was chosen for how well it fits together with other stones.

Inuit stone markers are called what?

The Inuit inukshuk has evolved into more than just stone markers. It has become a symbol of leadership, cooperation and the human spirit. Each stone of an inukshuk is a separate entity but was chosen for how well it fits together with other stones.

When was Inukshuk Wireless created?

Inukshuk Wireless was created in 2005.

What does the inukshuk?

The Inukshuk means "likeness of a person." It was first used by the Inuit people to mark trails, indicae caches of food, locate nearby settlements, ans also good placess to hunt or fish. The Inukshuk embodies the spirit and persitance of the Inuit who live and flourish in Northern Canada. The Inukshuk represents strength, leadership, and motavation.

What actors and actresses appeared in Inukshuk - 2009?

The cast of Inukshuk - 2009 includes: Marjolaine Juste

What rhymes with Inukshuk?

Words that rhyme with "Inukshuk" include "duck," "luck," "muck," and "truck."

Do Describe the official logo for the 2010 olympic games and what it presents?

The Olympic logo is an inukshuk. The inukshuk is a rock statue. I think it represents that the First Nations have a role to play in the Olympics. Besides, it's their land.

When did the inukshuk symbol become a symbol?

the inukshuk turned into a symbol on April 1st 1999 for the nunavut flag

Is the inukshuk a Canadian symbol?

Inukshuk pronounced (in-ook-shook), is a stone monument erected in the image of humans. One of their purposes was to serve as direction markers in the harsh and desolate Arctic. They were a tool of survival and a symbol of unselfish acts of the Inuit people. The Inukshuk symbolizes co-operation, balance and unselfishness; the idea that teaching and group effort is greater than individual effort. Each stone is a separate entity, yet each supports, and is supported by the one above and the one below it. No one piece is any more or any less important than the other. It's strength lies in it's unity. Its significance comes from its meaning as a whole. The Inukshuk reminds us of our interdependent responsibilities to invest our efforts today, to direct a better way for all of us tomorrow.

How was the Inukshuk made?

By rocks in Yukon

What artifacts did the Inuits make?
