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Q: How many syllable's are in because?
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How many syllables does because have?

There are two syllables. Be-cause.

How many syllables does 'because 'have and which one?

There are two syllables. Be-cause.

How many syllables in avoid?

2 syllables because when you clap it out it is a-void

How many syllables in stomach?

2 because stom and then ach. Simples!

How many syllabes because has?

There are two syllables. Be-cause.

How many syllable's does because have?

There are two syllables. Be-cause.

How many syllables is theater?

3 Because THE-A-TER!

How many syllables does clearness?

It has 2 syllables. Because ( /clear/ness/ ). It's very easy you know?

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there are two syllables because ( crui ) is one syllable and ( sing ) is another.

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There are 3 syllables in yamilett I should no because it's my name. <3

How many researchers worked on nonsense syllables?

That is impossible to answer because not everyone admits that they have worked on nonsense syllables.

How many syllables in meeting?

2 because meet then ting