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Roughly 1.3 billion; everyone in China is a Taoist. Daoism is not a religion, it is a Philosophy that CAN be followed as a religion, and generally in China, most of the people there are both Taoist and Buddhist. Hardcore religious Daoists, number around 10 to 20 million though.


The above opinion is very incorrect. During the cultural revolution of China religious expression was highly suppressed by the government. Over the course of the last 20 to 30 years (particularly the late 80's), China has seen some restored religious rights. You have to remember that a large portion of Tibetan China remains Buddhist, and there are also some Buddhist adherents across Southeastern and Northern China (near the Mongolian border). Also we see Christianity spring up in the main cities but in small numbers (still a significant population of China is Christian). You also fail to see how a large portion of Chinese are muslim. 1.5% of China is muslim which is over 26,000,000 (and thats an average estimate). I'd have to say that around 200-400 million Chinese are actually Taoist, while a good 100-300 million are influenced or practice foreign religion, while the rest of the population might either be Atheist (though they incorporate Confucius philosophical ideals) or Confucius (practicing it as a religion).

Hope this helps. :)

Oh and btw it is estimated that there are between 70- 120 million Christians in China alone.

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1mo ago

It is difficult to determine the exact number of Taoists in the world as Taoism does not have a centralized authority or specific membership requirements. However, it is estimated that there are around 12-30 million Taoists worldwide, with the majority residing in China.

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What is one country that is dominant with taoists?

China is a country that is dominant with Taoists. Taoism, also known as Daoism, is a traditional Chinese philosophy and religion that has had a major influence on Chinese culture, art, and society throughout history.

How do taoists define happiness?

Taoists define happiness as contentment and harmony achieved through aligning oneself with the flow of the Tao, or the natural order of the universe. It involves living in accordance with the rhythms of nature, cultivating inner peace, and embracing simplicity and detachment from worldly desires. Happiness in Taoism is not dependent on external circumstances but rather on finding balance and tranquility within oneself.

Why is dao de ching considered mystical?

The "Dao De Jing" is considered mystical because it is a foundational text in Daoism that explores the nature of reality, the concept of the Dao (the way), and the power of living in harmony with the natural world. Its cryptic language, paradoxical statements, and emphasis on intuitive understanding contribute to its mystical aura that invites contemplation and interpretation.

How many people lived on earth during the time of Jesus?

It is estimated that the world's population during the time of Jesus was around 200 million people.

What was the main reason the puritans left Europe left for the new world?

They wanted to live free from religious persecution. The king of England would not let the puritans worship their god. The Puritans came to the New World because they wanted to "purify" the Church of England.

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Is taoism one of biggest religions today?

No, it is not. Adherents number about 50 million, which is not many as religions go. There are actually a lot more people influenced by Taoism, and even who believe in it. But it is compatible with other belief systems to the extent that many people who believe have other religions. There are many Buddhists who are also Taoists, but call themselves Buddhists and not Taoists when asked. The same is true for Shintoists. There are even many Christians who are also Taoists.

Where do taoists live?

Taoists are most commonly found in China. They can also be found in Russia, Egypt, and California.

According to the Zhuangzi what do Taoists believe?

Taoists believe "Do not worry about worldly matters. Instead, meditate on nature."

What do taoists believe in according to the zhuangzi?

Taoists believe "Do not worry about worldly matters. Instead, meditate on nature."

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In a sense Taoism is not so much a religion as a philosophy that is usually imposed on other religions. Taoists have a rather unspecific idea of divinity and afterlife. Most Taoists are Buddhists, who believe in reincarnation. Many Taoists are adherents of Chinese Folk Religions who seem to share a believe in afterlife centering around spirits of the dead who are the ancestors one should worship. Other Taoists are members of other religions with other beliefs.

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The Taoists practice many meditation techniques, each with different names.

How many taoists does it take to change a light bulb?

Two. One to turn it and one not to turn it.

How many Taoists are on Earth?

The number of Taoists is difficult to estimate, due to a variety of factors including defining Taoism. The number of people practicing Chinese folk religion is estimated to be just under four hundred million. Most Chinese people and many others have been influenced in some way by Taoist tradition. Estimates for the number of Taoists worldwide range from twenty to over fifty million.

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