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There are 3 tasks:

1. The Dragon

2. The Lake

3. The Maze

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Q: How many tasks are in the Triwizard Tournament?
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What was the big event in the fourth Harry Potter book?

The Triwizard Tournament

What is the name of the tournament in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire?

The Triwizard Tournament involves the three major schools: Hogwarts, Durmstrang Institute and Beauxbatons Academy. The schools take it in turns to host the tournament, in the Goblet of fire Hogwarts was the host. Each school brings a selection of students to the host's school based on different traits, eg: bravery, knowledge, logic. The students put their names in the goblet of fire which will choose one student per school to compete. The ministry of magic decided that the tournament had in the past resulted in too many deaths and that an age restriction should be placed as under 17's had not learned enough magic. Barty Crouch Junior, working under cover for Voldemort placed Harry's name in the goblet under another school and fooled the goblet into thinking that four schools were competing so that Harry was the only one in his category.

Where are the special tasks on Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix?

I think you mean the tasks in the 4th book, Goblet of Fire. The first task in the Triwizard Tournament was to collect a golden egg that was being guarded by a dragon. The second task was to go into the Hogwarts lake to retrieve someone who was important to them. They champions had to find ways of breathing underwater. The third task was to navigate through a dangerous maze filled with obstacles and creatures to find the Triwizard Cup.

How often is the triwizard tournament?

The Tri-wizards Tournament is something from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. It is when the three wizard schools come together. This tournament consists of three dangerous tasks that three wizards (one from each school) have to compete in. The tasks are supposed to be extremely hard and the wizards (or witches) dont know what they are ahead of time or they have clues and have to figure it out themselves. To get into the tournment you must be 17. You write your name on a slip of paper and throw it into the Goblet of Fire. From there the Goblet picks which three people it wants to compete. In the end one wizard or witch is named the champion. They are the ones who do not die and have the fastest time in the third task.

What hint did Cedric give to Harry Potter in the Goblet of Fire during the Triwizard Tournament about the egg?

A hint.

Related questions

What is the third task in the triwizard tournament?

the maze

How many wizard schools competed in the triwizard tournament in Harry Potter?

Three, Hogwarts Beauxbatons and Durmstrang

What was the big event in the fourth Harry Potter book?

The Triwizard Tournament

What was the name of the tournament from Harry Potter that character Cedric Diggory competed in?

The Tri-Wizard Tournament.

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The Quidditch Tournament The Triwizard Tournament The Yule Ball Holiday feasts

How many students take part in the Triwizard Tournament during Harry's fourth year?

4, but there were supposed to be only 3.

What kind of dance did they have at hogwart in the fourth year?

They had a ball because of the Triwizard tournament .

What is Fleur Delacour's age during the triwizard tournament?

17 (perhaps more)

What was the Goblet Fire used for?

the goblet of fire was used for who was going to participate in the triwizard tournament

If magic was real what would be a big magic community sport game?

The Triwizard Tournament.

What were three things that Harry faced in Triwizard Tournament Maze?

A Sphinx,Boggart,Skrewts

How are harry's problems resolved in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire?

He wins the Triwizard Tournament.