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Q: How many temple children did Amy Carmichael save?
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Does the glitch in Temple Run save your distance if it is a high score?

No , it does not. I've tried so many times and it doesn't save. ):

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Why in the Legend of Zelda ocarina of time do you start back in your house?

after you save as a kid, when you load the save file you go to your house, as a adult you go to the temple of time, unless if you are in a temple then you load in the begining of the temple

What has the author Nina Temple written?

Nina Temple has written: 'The fight to save the Morning Star'

When was Save the Children created?

Save the Children was created in 1919.

What is save the children in spanish?

Children : Niños. Save the children: salvar los niños

What does save the children do to help?

save the children is a charity which donates money to children that need help.

How do you get to the temple on Goron Island?

GO to the end of the maze and save then use bombs to kill yourself then you will be at the temple

What is the Temple of Poseidon made of?

The Temple of Artemis was made out of marble, save the roof.

What were the aims of evacuation?

The main aim oevacuation was to save as many children as possible.

When was Save the Children USA created?

Save the Children USA was created in 1932.

When was Save the Children International created?

Save the Children International was created in 1977.