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Q: How many three letter security password can be created if no letter can be repeated?
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How many different 3 letter initials with none of the letter repeated can people have?

26 x 25 x 24 = 15,600

What is the number of distinguishable permutations of the letters in the word EFFECTIVE?

The number of permutations of the letters EFFECTIVE is 9 factorial or 362,880. Since the letter E is repeated twice we need to divide that by 4, to get 90,720. Since the letter F is repeated once we need to divide that by 2, to get 45,360.

How many passwords are possible using the twenty-six uppercase letters of the alphabet without repeating letters for a 3 letter password?

26 x 25 x 24 = 15600

How many different ways can the letters in the word Canada be arranged?

The number of ways that the letter of the word CANADA can be arranged is simply the number of permutations of 6 things taken 6 at a time, which is 6 factorial, or 720. However, since the letter A is repeated twice, the number is distinct permutations is a factor of 4 less than that, or 180.

How many different nine letter arrangements can be formed from the nine letters of the word apparatus?

Answer 9!/3!2!=30240 Note there are three a's and two p's and a total of 9 letters in apparatus. So there are 9 choices for the first letter, and 8 for the next, then 7 for the third etc. The we divide by 3! and 2! to avoid overcounting. The answer is 9!/3!2! The numerator can be written as 9! which is pronounced 9 factorial. Then we divide that by 3! times 2! In general if you have have n letters, there are n! words you can make, However, if some of the letters are repeated you must divide to avoid overcounting. If letter a is repeated r1 times, b r2 times, c r3 times.. etc, Then the number of words is n!/r1!r2!r3!

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The password has not been given out! there is no password eion colfer created it with no password (and a friend of mine has a password cracking program (it randomly puts in number and letter and symbols till every combination bin has tried or it gets the right password) and he got nothing)

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The first letter of bandits password is M and his pass is four letters!

How many letter passwords can be formed from ABCs with no repeat?

That depends - on how many letters are in the password - AND - if any letter can be repeated. For example... an eight-digit password has 26 x 26 x 26 x 26 x 26 x 26 x 26 x 26 = 208,827,064,576 possible combinations IF every letter can b repeated. If each letter can only be used once, then the formula is 26 x 25 x 24 x 23 x 22 x 21 x 20 x19 = 62,990,928,000 possible combinations.

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We have 4 times C and 2 times V.Repetition is allowed.That sums up the possibilities:C^4*V^2 with C=21 and V=5= 4,862,025A fully random 6-letter-password would be almost 64 times stronger.A team of six students traveled to a mathematics competition by bicycle. On leaving, they distractedly picked up their six helmets at random (each choice of helmet is equally likely). What is the probability that exactly three of the students picked up the correct helmet?can you explain why? and show the work??

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There is no set letter format for asking a bank for Internet banking password. Typically, you need to call the bank and ask them to reset your password.

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How many times is the letter A repeated in the word abracadabra?

Um... 5? Why?

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Dear Sir/Madam, Please do help for me to sing in my hotmail address, because i have forgot my password in the mean time i tried different different password not working. I realy sad about it. Now my address is block ( you please send me password of this mail address. I have created another new mail addres you send me password to this address(

How many 4 letter codes are there if letters are not repeated?

If letters cannot be repeated, then there are 26 options for the first letter. There are then 25 options for the second letter. There are then 24 options for the third letter, and 23 for the fourth. This means that in total there are 26x25x24x23 options for the code. 26x25x24x23 = 358,800. Thus, there are 358,800 possible 4 letter codes.