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polar bears go out swimming at least 3 t 5 times a day , depends on the food they catch every swimming time ....

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Q: How many times a day do polar bears go swimming?
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How many predators does a polar bear have?

There is only one species that hunts polar bears, and that is man.

Is a polar bear prey to anything?

The polar bear has no actually prey but some polar bears have been known to have been killed bye killer whales and Greenland sharks. Sometimes there has been the polar bear preying on them!!! Small cubs are preyed on by adult polar bears. Humans are pretty much the only other real issue. They can and do hunt polar bears. This is the reason their population went down many years ago to dangerously low levels. The limits on hunting allowed them to regain population.

How many polar bears are living?

According to Polar Bears International, scientists estimate that as of 2008, there are 20,000 to 25,000 polar bears living.

How many Polar bears in deserts?

Polar bears do not live in the desert. They live in the Arctic.

How many polar bears left in Australia?

polar bears don't live in Australia. penguins do

How many polar bears die due to attacks from other polar bears each year?

* 17 polar bears die every year acording to average

How many bears in the wold?

12,037,456 (that is, not counting polar bears and wild pandas) 12,037,456 (that is, not counting polar bears and wild pandas)

How many penguins every day do polar bears eat?

Zero. Polar Bears and penguins live at opposite ends of the world. Polar Bears Arctic, Penguins Antarctic. Polar Bears eat seals. This is a common misconception that polar bears and penguins live together, but they live on opposite poles.

What is a polar bear's enemy?

People, Killer whales, Walreses, and other polar bearsA polar bear's enemies are humans and other polar bears. But a polar bear's worst enemy is a killer whale.Polar bears enemy is mostly human and other polar bears!Climate change/global warming and the melting ice sheet, starvation, humans, summer in the arctic (since this is a time where they are not going to be eating much), dehydration, etc.HumansHumansthe ememies of polar bears are, Male polar bears, black & white killer whales, arctic foxes, global warming and humans

How many polar bears are killed due to hunting?

Because of global warming, you can't hunt polar bears

How many pets does Carlos have?

3. He has 2 polar bears and a seal............half a seal..........he has 2 polar bears

How many keys do polar bears eat?

Polar Bears do not eat keys. Nothing eats keys because they are made of metal and have not nutritional value. Polar Bears eat seals.