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As stated, the question is overly obvious; the world can be destroyed only once because once it is destroyed, there is nothing left to be destroyed, right? How many times could the same ceramic dish be shattered? More than once, but only if you are willing to glue it together again, and if the whole world were to be shattered, there would be no one left to glue it together again (unless you are expecting aliens from outer space to take an interest).

However, you might have been thinking of the principle of overkill, that the nuclear arsenals of the world contain more weapons than would be needed to destroy the entire world. At a rough guess, the total inventory of nuclear weapons in the world is sufficient to destroy a dozen worlds at least (if we had a means of getting to other worlds, of course). But the Earth can be destroyed only once.

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Q: How many times can the world be destroyed by nuclear weapons?
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Egypt is not believed or suspected to have nuclear weapons, or a nuclear weapons program, at this time (May 2009). See Related Link for a discussion of the world's nuclear powers.

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They can and will

Can the world be destroyed by nuclear weapons?

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