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you can fold a 4 piece in half 5 times

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Q: How many times can you fold an A4 piece of paper in half?
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If you fold a piece of paper in half 50 times how tall would it be?

You can't fold a piece of paper 50 times

If you fold a piece of paper in half fifty times how many pieces of paper will you get?

you are folding it, there is still only one piece of paper

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How many times do you need to fold a piece of paper to form 8 equal sections?

3 times 1st step is fold paper in half 2nd fold it again in half and 3rd fold it a third time in half. open it an u get eight equal sections

How many sections will there be if you fold a paper in half 4 times?

If you fold a piece of paper in half 4 times, there will be 16 sections. Each time you fold the paper in half, the number of sections doubles. So, if you start with 1 section and fold it in half 4 times, you will end up with 16 sections.

How do you make paper claws?

Get a square piece of paper. Fold it into a triangle (diagnol half) two times.Then, fold it 3 times. Then,fold the little thing in, and you're done.

If you fold a piece of paper 8 times how many sections will the sheet have?

If you take a single sheet and fold it in half 8 times, the pack will have 64 layers.

Can you only fold paper 7 times?

yes if it is not in half, but if you you mean in half, then: A normal piece of paper, no. The width becomes to thick and the length too small. But here are some websites where they get a huge piece of paper so the length doesn't become too small, and they can do it 11 or 12 times:

What is the world record for most times to fold a paper?

a) It depends on paper size, and the quality of the paper.b) A piece of paper may be folded in half approximately 6-7 times consecutively, without unfolding, since the seventh fold and beyond would require bending hundreds (2^n) of layers .MythBusters managed to fold a football field sized piece of paper 11 times.

Is it possible to fold a piece of paper in half more than seven times?

No... it is impossible... but Walk Disney said "Its kinda fun to do the impossible"

How a piece of fliter paper to be used for filtration is folded properly?

Fold it into half, then another half again.

Is it possible to fold a piece of paper more than seven times?

nope ive tried it :( multiple times....Well, it depends on what you mean. Of course you can fold a piece of paper lots of times. What you can not do is fold a piece of paper in half lots of times.Your typical piece of paper is about 0.1mm thick. Each fold in half doubles the thickness, so by the time you have folded it 7 times it is 2^7*0.1 mm thick, that's 12.8mm, call it 1/2 an inch thick. And by then your piece of paper is rather small. If it started 8 1/2 x 11, it is now 11/8 x 17/8 inches, or about 1 1/2 inches by 2 inches. (ignoring the size of he folds)The next fold would make it 1 inch thick, and the outside of the fold would be a half circle 1/2 inch radius using pi/2 inches of paper, call it 1 1/2 inches. This isn't going to work.