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Q: How many times does a chicken heart be a second?
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How many heart beats does one have in a second for the whole of his life?

How many times the heart beat for a second How many times the heart beat for a second

How many times does your heart beats per second?

On average, a resting adult's heart beats 1 to 1.5 times per second.

How many times is your heart supposed to beat per second?

It can beat 1 or 2 times a second

If someones heart beats 100 beats each minite how many times will there heart beat each second?

1.6 beats per second.

If A birds heart beats 200 times per second how many times does it beat in 42 seconds?

8400 timesyou just multiply the times per second times the seconds

How many beats does a mouses heart beat per second?

yes mouse's heart beats 650 times a minute

How many times does a mouse's heart beat?

In a minute a mouse's heart beats about six hundred and sixty. A typical house mouse may have between 500 and 600 beats per minute at rest. It is so quick that it sounds like the heart is humming

Ahmed heart beats 78 times in a minute how many times does it beat in 10 second?

It beats 13 times every 10 seconds

How many heart beats per second?

A persons heart beats at least 500 times per minute.

How many times does a the heart beat for a skunk?

how many times does a skunks heart beat per minute

How many times does your pump in 10 second?

Heart beat? I'll guess. If you are in ok shape and your resting heart rate is 60 then it beats 10 times in 10 seconds. If you are moderately exercising and your rate is 120 then in 10 seconds it beats 20 times.

How many heart beats does a dog have per second?

a dogs heart beats about 110 times per minute for a healthy dog