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honestly it depends on who you are like if you have heart problems or something, and it depends on what you just did

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Q: How many times does your heat beat in a minuter while you are sitting?
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Related questions

How many times does an adult heart beat each minute?

it beats around 70 times a minuter

How times does your heat beat in a minute while you are sitting?

honestly it depends on who you are like if you have heart problems or something, and it depends on what you just did

How many times can an adult heart beat in one hour?

it beats around 70 times a minuter

What should your heart beat be while resting?

The heart of an average person while resting or sitting down should be only about 60 to 80 times a minute.

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Depends if it is a bald eagle it will flap its wings over 550 times per minuter. Another Type of eagle can beat its wings over 300 times a minute. i can beat my meat over 50 times in a minute.

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A bee beats its wings 200 to 230 times a second

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Maybe like 100, I guess.

How many times does your heart beat in a minute while you are sitting down?

In most cases, your resting heart rate will be around 60 to 100 beats per minute

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first u have to get a blackbelt.then u just challenge him a couple of times. after a while u will be able to beat him. then u will become a ninja

When running how many times does your heart beat after?

Usually until you die, which should hopefully be quite a while after you stop running.

In dragonfable do you have to beat the doomkitten 200 times in 1 go or 200 times total to get a DA?

sometimes u have to beat it 400 times sometimes you have to beat it 200 times