

Best Answer

1925 Phantom of the Opera with Lon Chaney.

1943 Phantom of the Opera with Claude Rains

1961 Phantom of the Horse Opera with Woody Woodpecker a cartoon

1962 Phantom of the Opera with Herbert Lom

1970 Murders in the Rue Morgue with Herbert Lom it is very similar

1974 Phantom of the Paradise Rock Musical

1974 Phantom of Hollywood with Jack Cassidy

1977 Hill's Phantom of the Opera

1983 Phantom of the Opera with Maximilon Schell

1986 Webber's Phantom of the Opera with Michael Crawford

1987 Phantom of the Opera animation

1991 Phantom of the Rock Opera Chipmunks animation.

1989 American Phantom of the Opera Love Story

1991 Phantom of the Opera made for TV with Charles Dance

1992 Phantom of the Ritz

1989 Phantom of the Opera with Robert Englund

2001 Phantom of the Opera with Julian Sands

2004 Webber's Phantom of the Opera with Gerard Butler.

There is 1916 Phantom of the Opera made in Germany withNils Olaf Chrisander but the film is unavailable or lost.

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In Phantom of the Opera what is the Phantom's real name?

His real name is Erik. Though Andrew loyd webber never used it in the play, they mention his name a few times in the book "phantom of the opera", written by Gaston Leroux.

Who was the composer of the opera Fidelio?

Fidelio was Ludwig van Beethoven's only opera. He worked and re-worked the opera and its overture many times. It is considered a masterpiece of German Romantic Opera.

Who were the characters of The Phantom of the Opera the musical?

Christine, Roul(not sure if I spelled that right), and the Phantom No no noo!!! I think the questioner is asking who they ARE! Phantom- Gerald Butler I have no idea what Christine and Raoul's real names are, but Google it, and you'll find a movie thing with all the names of the characters!~

How does rock opera compare to opera?

An example of a rock opera would be Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody. The instruments and style of the music is rock, but the music is exaggerated the same way that opera is. The term can be used loosely to describe over exaggerated rock music.

What is the theme for the phantom of the opera?

Themes Appearance and Reality The fact that The Phantom of the Opera takes place behind the scenes of the opera almost automatically draws readers' attention to the disparity between reality and appearances. Leroux gives backstage details, starting with the dancers who line up in the first chapter, gossiping, and continuing on to point out the backdrops and the business arrangements that few opera goers are allowed to see. Un-like most backstage stories, though, this novel also goes into details about the Paris opera house that few of the average workers would be aware of, such as the complicated system of tunnels underneath the building, with furnaces and prisons and hoards of rats and even a lake. Some of these details might be exaggerated from reality, but they are plausible as the reality of the novel. They clearly indicate that, as much as the sets and costumes create a false world on the stage, the opera house that visitors enter only reveals part of the story regarding what it takes to put on a grand spectacle. The phantom himself is also used as a symbol to represent the ways that reality and appearance differ. The most obvious example of this is, of course, the mask that he wears. When he is wearing his mask, Christine can believe that he is a poor, misunderstood man who has just not been given the attention he deserves. When he represents himself to her as the Spirit of Music, she responds to his musical gift and really does see him as angelic. Once she sees Erik without his mask, however, she is so horrified that she can never think fondly of him again. In addition to the phantom's looks, however, his whole existence is one big charade. He is greatly gifted, but his talents are in making voices seem to appear where no one is actually talking; in coming and going without being seen; in overhearing conversations that seem to be private; and in making people think that they see things that are impossible, as in when his torture chamber turns out to be a hall of illusions. He is known as a phantom for a reason: no one is ever really sure that he exists. Innocence The phantom's anger with the society that has rejected him is balanced in this novel with the simple innocence of the love between Christine Daaé and Raoul de Chagny. Christine's life story is surrounded by the sort of heartwarming and fantastic details that are common in fairy tales. Her father, for instance, is a kindly old soul and an incredibly talented musician. He fills her childhood with the sweet view of the world that is found in folk stories. Before he dies, he tells Christine that she will be watched over by the Spirit of Music, which at first serves to give her comfort but later, as is common with innocence carried into adulthood, causes her to fall victim to Erik, who uses his talent for ventriloquism to make her loyal to him. Mme. Valerius is another example of the innocence that surrounds Christine's life. She never questions that the younger woman is doing the right thing even when others doubt her, supplying a level of sweetness and naiveté that reflects on Christine's under-standing of the world. The romance between Christine and Raoul is particularly untouched by the harsher elements of reality. From their first meeting as children, when Raoul puts his life at risk in service to her as he swims out into the ocean to retrieve her scarf, to their chance meeting years later at the opera house when they recognize each other, they are true to each other. A few times, Raoul questions Christine about her purity, but he always accepts her word that such questions are misguided. Readers believe so firmly in the couple's innocence that, when the narrator has bystanders remark that it is scandalous for them to go into her dressing room together and close the door, it is the bystanders who seem ignorant of the reality of true love. Horror This book uses several standard horror elements to make the phantom threatening and mysterious. The most obvious of these is the opera house itself, with its high, shadowy ceilings and miles of tunnels beneath. When Raoul and Christine go up to the roof, they are among the swooping gables and heavy statuary that set the ominous mood in other works, such as The Hunchback of Notre Dame. In its cellars readers are introduced to fantastic sights that are hard to believe: legions of forgotten workers who never see the light of day or swarms of rats that are at the command of the Rat Catcher. The most distinct horror device is Erik's face. Though he is described as having a skin disease, its manifestation gives him the exact semblance of a skull, so that even as a young man he was able to travel to county fairs and bill himself as the living dead man. His eyes, too, are described as glowing in the dark, like a cat's. These details might be unlikely in the real world, but they are not at all out of place in a horror story. Topics For Further Study * Examine the history of the Paris Commune, which Leroux says lived in the jails upon which the Opera House was built. Find out how much the underground life led in the 1870s corresponds to the underground life that Raoul discovers while going to find the place where the phantom lives. * This story centers on the opera company's performance of Faust. Read a version of the Faust story and write a short play in which Erik and Faust meet, telling each other about their common experiences. * One of this story's conceits is that, through the use of ventriloquism, Erik is able to make it seem as if his voice is coming out of places that are far from where he is hiding. Prepare a report on ventriloquism: its capabilities, its shortcomings, and its greatest practitioners. In what ways would proficiency in ventriloquism help Erik in pretending to be the Opera ghost? * Study another opera house, either in person or on the Internet. Report on what areas behind and under the stage would be handy for this house to harbor its own phantom.

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His real name is Erik. Though Andrew loyd webber never used it in the play, they mention his name a few times in the book "phantom of the opera", written by Gaston Leroux.

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Fidelio was Ludwig van Beethoven's only opera. He worked and re-worked the opera and its overture many times. It is considered a masterpiece of German Romantic Opera.

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Who were the characters of The Phantom of the Opera the musical?

Christine, Roul(not sure if I spelled that right), and the Phantom No no noo!!! I think the questioner is asking who they ARE! Phantom- Gerald Butler I have no idea what Christine and Raoul's real names are, but Google it, and you'll find a movie thing with all the names of the characters!~