

How many tongo lizards left?

Updated: 10/8/2023
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7y ago

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tongo lizards are real they are yellow and wear a toga,

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14y ago
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because they are endangered so know one ever talks about them i mean like sharks are not endangered and everyone talks about them

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its in the middle

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Q: How many tongo lizards left?
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How does the tongo lizard sleeps?

tongo lizards are weird

How big are tongo lizards?

Tongo lizards are about 4cm at birth and 1 meter when it reaches adulthood.

Is the tongo lizaed rare?

Tongo lizards are fake creatures so yes they are rare.

Where do lizards come from?

Originally tongo lizards are fromAfrica but can now be foundin Australia.

Why are tongo lizards endangred?

because the have leather skin (etc) and there skin peels one lttle tiny bit at a time

What do tongo lizards look like?

The Tongo Lizard is Green and Blue with red spots and a long tailThe tongo lizard comes in a wide variety of colours, including green, lime, yellow, blue and red. They have a rough and slimy skin texture.They have needle sharp claws used for gripping trees and swiping at humans and other animals which threaten them.They are approximately 4cm long at birth and can grow up to 1metre as they mature.Like crocodiles and dolphins, tongo lizards are practically dinosaurs, evolving from the Dilophosaurus.However they are now on the brink of extinction due to them being illegally hunted for their skin, which is made into handbags, belts and shoes.Because of their rarity and protected status, it is very difficult to get an updated image of a tongo lizard.Below in the related links there are two rare image of the Tongo Lizard.

How many frilled lizards are there left?

There are more than 500

Who are the lizards predators predators?

Yes - they prey on insects, birds, other lizards, snakes and rodents (depending on the species of lizard)

How many lizards are left?

There are many lizards which one lizard got away,how many lizards were left? The answer is none,because the other lizards follow the lizard who got away.

Why are Tongo Lizards endangered?

They are Endangered because people kill Them because for their Fur

How many yellow spotted night lizards are left in the wild?


Why are tongo lizards endangerd?

The Tongo LizardThe tongo lizard is a nocturnal lizard whish lives in the rainforests of Indonesia, it is an endangered creature and it may not survive if nothing is done to save it.It's rarely seen in the daytime because the tongo lizard hunts its prey of small mammals and bugs at night. Nocturnal so it can't be caught by humans or other larger animals, the tongo lizard a very vulnerable animal and it can rarely find sufficient food and usually lives for about lives for about five years because there are so many animals and humans trying to captureIt.Despite the camouflage which the tongo lizard has it is easily hunted because of its large vocal chords which can produce sounds of up to ninety decibels. It's hunted for the scales on its back which and used to make hand bags and jewellery and its meat is a local delicacy reaching high prices in markets around Asia and Europe.The tongo Lizard has a distinct emerald green with crystal a white neck, it has a fan on its head which keeps it cool on a warm day and it can also keep it warm on a cold nightWithout Your help this picture may be the last time you see a wild tong lizard. Do you want that to become a reality? Please give something back to nature, Help the Tongo some one (not me)