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There are three main types of rays emitted from radioactive elements: alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma rays. Alpha particles have a positive charge, beta particles have a negative charge, and gamma rays have no charge.

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Q: How many types of rays emmited from radio-active elements And which type of charge they have?
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What are the things with radiation?

Things with radiation include nuclear power plants, X-ray machines, radioactive waste, and certain types of medical treatments like radiation therapy for cancer. Radiation can be harmful to living organisms if not properly controlled and managed.

Where are the radioactive alpha beta and gamma radiation made?

Radioactive alpha, beta, and gamma radiation are produced during the decay of certain types of unstable atomic nuclei, such as those of radioactive elements like uranium or radium. These types of radiation can also be produced in nuclear reactions, such as those that occur in nuclear power plants or in nuclear weapons.

Why is plutonium radioactive?

Plutonium is radioactive because it has an unstable nucleus that is trying to achieve a more stable configuration. In order to do this, it emits radiation in the form of alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma rays to reach a more stable state. This process is known as radioactive decay.

Which elements emit radiation in the visible part of the spectrum?

Elements such as hydrogen, helium, neon, and argon emit radiation in the visible part of the spectrum when they are excited or heated. This radiation creates the characteristic colors associated with these elements when observed through a spectroscope.

What types of radioactive debris were released when the nuclear reactor at Chernobyl exploded?

The explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear reactor released a variety of radioactive debris, including radioactive isotopes of iodine, cesium, strontium, and plutonium. These radioactive particles were carried by the wind and spread over a wide area, contaminating the surrounding environment.

Related questions

What are 2 radioactiv elements?

There are different types of elements in the world including the dangerous radioactive ones. Two of the radioactive elements in the world are hydrogen and carbon.

What can be categorized into different types of elements?

Examples: metals or nonmetals, radioactive or not radioactive, classification after the state of matter, reactive or not reactive etc.

What are the two common types of uses of radioactive elements in health care?

medical diagnosis medical treatments

Which radioactive emanations have a charge of -1?

Beta particles are radioactive emanations that have a charge of -1. These particles are fast-moving electrons that are emitted during the process of beta decay by certain types of unstable atomic nuclei.

What types of elements are useful for dating materials?

Radioactive elements such as carbon-14, uranium, and potassium-argon are commonly used for dating materials. The decay rates of these elements provide a way to estimate the age of the material based on the amount of the element remaining. Other methods, such as dendrochronology and thermoluminescence, can also be used for dating certain materials.

What are two types of beta decay for radioactive elements?

Some isotopes emit an electron on decay, others emit a positron (anti-electron).

Is copper radioactive?

No, copper is not radioactive. It is a stable element that does not emit radiation on its own.

Where do the two neutrons and two neutrons that consist on alpha particle come from?

they come from the nuclei of an unstable atom.

Is it true that radioactive decay results in the fusion of stable nuclei along with the emission of multiple types of radiation?

No. Fusion is the combining of light elements into heavier elements (like 2 deuterium into 1 helium). radioactive decay is when you have an unstable atom releasing energy (and sometimes matter) in order to reach a more stable state.

What type of radiation emitted by radioactive nuclei is negatively charged?

A Beta- particle is an electron, which has negative charge.Here are some other types: Alpha is a helium nucleus, which is 2 protons and 2 neutrons (having positive charge). Positron is the antiparticle to electron. Positrons have positive charge. Gamma does not have charge. Neutrons do not have charge. Neutrinos do not have charge.

Difference between a non-radioactive substance and a radioactive substance?

A non-radioactive substance does not emit radiation spontaneously, while a radioactive substance does. Radioactive substances undergo radioactive decay, emitting radiation such as alpha, beta, or gamma radiation as they decay to become more stable. This emission of radiation can pose potential health risks if not handled properly.

What are the things with radiation?

Things with radiation include nuclear power plants, X-ray machines, radioactive waste, and certain types of medical treatments like radiation therapy for cancer. Radiation can be harmful to living organisms if not properly controlled and managed.