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According to La Real Academia Española / Andrés Bellothere are 22. Here is the conjugation based on the verb "partir":

P A R T I R infinitivo (infinitive) partir

infinitivo compuesto: haber partido

gerundio (form in -ing) partiendo

participio partido

gerundio perfecto o compuesto: habiendo partido

Modo indicativo (simple forms)

presente parto, partes...

pretérito indefinido / pretérito partí, partiste...

pretérito imperfecto / copretérito partía, partías...

futuro imperfecto / futuro partiré, partirás...

(compound forms)

pretérito perfecto / antepresente he partido, has partido...

pretérito pluscuamperfecto / antecopretéritohabía partido, habías partido...

pretérito anterior / antepretérito hube partido, hubiste partido...

futuro perfecto / antefuturo habré partido, habrás partido...

Modo potencial

simple / pospretérito partiría, partirías...

compuesto / antepospretérito habría partido, habrías partido...

Modo subjuntivo (simple forms)

presente parta, partas...

pretérito imperfecto / pretérito partiera/ partiese, partieras/ partieses...

futuro imperfecto / futuro partiere, partieres...

(compound forms)

pretérito perfecto / antepresente haya partido, hayas partido...

pretérito pluscuamperfecto / antepretéritohubiera /hubiese partido, hubieras/ hubieses partido...

futuro perfecto / antefuturo hubiere partido, hubieres partido...

imperativo que (yo) parta, parte (tú), parta (usted), que (él/ella) parta, partid (vosotros), partan (ustedes), que (ellos/ellas) partan

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Q: How many verb tenses are there in Spanish?
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How many tenses in spanish verb?

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"to have" as in "to posess" is tener. As a helper verb for the perfect tenses, it is haber.

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What is haber in Spanish?

"Haber" is one of the Spanish verbs for "to have". This is used as a "helper" verb to form the compound or "perfect" tenses. The other verb meaning "to have" is "tener", and is used to denote posession.

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"Tener" is the Spanish verb meaning "to have", as in posession of something. There is a second verb in Spanish, "haber", which means "to have" when used as an auxilary verb for perfect tenses, i.e. "have done".

The basic verb tenses are singular and plural?

Actually, the basic verb tenses are present, past, and future. Singular and plural refer to the number of subjects in a sentence, not the tenses of the verbs.

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Participles are verb forms that can function as adjectives or parts of other verb tenses. For example, in the sentence "The broken window was repaired," "broken" is a past participle used in the past tense sentence. Participles can be used to form different verb tenses, such as the perfect or progressive forms.

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What are the Spanish tenses?

present, past, future, those are the basic tenses for Spanish, the you can have the preterit etc....

Why should people study tenses of verb?

Studying verb tenses helps improve clarity and accuracy in communication by indicating when an action occurs. Understanding verb tenses also allows for accurate narration of events, conveying the sequence of actions, and describing the duration of an action. In language learning, mastering verb tenses is essential for proficiency and fluency.