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Probably the same as people these days--5000 to 10,000. Shakespeare used something like 30,000 words, many of which he made up, so his audiences must have had to figure out a lot of them from context.

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Q: How many words did an average person use in Shakespeare's day?
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How many English words does the average person use?

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The average person says about 3,000 words every day. Don't ask me how I know this!

How many words does the average person use in a day?

An educated adult uses 2,000 words a day

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A person with a basic typing skills can type, on average, 60 wpm.

How many of shakespeares phrases do you still use today?

A variety of Shakespearian words are still used today but many of the words were made up by William and many may be rather familiar.

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The average graduated (educated) person has a vocabulary count of about 23000 words! So unless you are a Genius and know a FEW languages NO one person could know that many words.

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USUALLYit depends onThe person (young/old)How much a said person txtsWhat kind of phoneand how comfortable they are with the phone.

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the average person can read 244 words a minute.

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The average person can type approximately 225-300 words in 5 minutes, depending on their typing speed.

How many plays has William shakespeares wote?

38 (: